Return to Shinganshina Part 1

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Three days later

Reiner quietly stared at the fire he and Ymir made while Ymir was whistling to herself. Ymir stopped whistling and glanced at Reiner, who still remained unresponsive to her.

"Beautiful night, isn't it?" Ymir remarked, still earning no response, "Definitely a lot more stars when you're on the walls."

"Just shut up," Reiner hissed.

"I'm just trying to make some small talk," Ymir declared.

"I don't need that shit," Reiner growled.

Ymir sighed to herself. "You want to talk about Bertholdt, or should I?"

Reiner shot up and grabbed Ymir by her shirt. "Not another word about Bertholdt!"

"Why?" Ymir questioned, "So you can continue to wallow in your self-pity?"

"I'm not going to let you talk shit about him," Reiner declared.

"I don't want to," Ymir retorted, "And you think you're the only one that upset that you're never going to be able to see someone you love again?"

"I'm supposed to be one of the strongest titans," Reiner stated, "I'm supposed to be able to protect them like Marcel. And I can't..."

Reiner let go of Ymir before slumping to the ground in sadness. Ymir merely blinked as she dusted off her shirt.

"If I wanted you, I could've left you for dead," Ymir reminded, "I could've kept the rest of my life, but I'm the only other person in this world who understands what you and Bertholdt went through."

"I...I'm sorry, Ymir," Reiner apologized, "I just-"

"Shut up," Ymir said.

"Guess you still don't want me to-"

"No, really, shut up," Ymir hissed, "Do you here that?"

Reiner didn't say anything as he began to listen to the sound of silence, followed by a horse galloping.


Reiner immediately stood up as the sound got closer. He and Ymir looked towards the broken gate and saw a horse with two riders coming through into the walled town.

"The Survey Corps?" Ymir questioned.

"Doubt it," Reiner answered, "There's only one rider. They're not stupid to go into titan territory alone."

The two titan shifter saw the unknown figures jump off their horse while one of them seemed to be looking at his hand.

"Who are they?" Ymir asked.

Reiner waited as the smaller figure took off her hood, revealing it to be Annie. Reiner smiled in joy as he realized that the other figure was Bertholdt.

"Reiner, what do we-" Ymir gasped as Reiner jumped down from the top of the wall.

"Reiner!" Ymir yelled as he bit his hand. The teen covered her eyes as lighting consumed Reiner as he transformed into the armored titan. Ymir then saw in response the Female Titan appearing and roaring out in challenge.

"Reiner!" Bertholdt cried out in joy as he careened his head upward to look at Reiner.

Ymir watched from afar as the two titans climbed their way up the wall with Bertholdt in tow. Reiner and Annie extracted themselves out of their titan forms as the bodies fell of the wall for the mindless titans to devour.

"You're-you're here," Reiner breathed in disbelief.

"We barely made it out," Annie explained, "Luckily I ran into Bertholdt, and that made things a little ea-"

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