Getting Acquainted Part 3

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Levi could only stare as he brought his tea with him to go and find Hanji. What he didn't expect was him finding Optimus in his bipedal mode standing outside of the port. Levi grumbled to himself as he trudged upward to talk to the Prime, and that was when he saw it. He saw Hanji wide awake and smiling as she was explaining a theory to Wheeljack, who was listening rather intently and typing some of the information down on a weird blue screen in his actual form.

"How long have they been at it?" Levi asked the Prime.

"They started last night," Optimus explained, "But it seems that they have not stopped since then."

"Should we separate them?" Levi asked him.

"I am...uncertain," Optimus admitted, "Considering Hanji's investment in the situation."

"She has shit to do today," Levi reminded, "Four-eyes!"

Levi was stunned when Hanji basically ignored him as Wheeljack explained his own theory.

"Four-eyes!" Levi called out again, but was still ignored.

"I am more surprised that Wheeljack is willing to interact with a commanding officer like this," Optimus admitted.

"He didn't respect you," Levi assumed.

"He doesn't respect military officials very often," Optimus explained, "Bulkhead explained that it was due to their cowardice."

"That another 'Bot?" Levi asked, earning a nod from the Prime.

"Wheeljack hasn't stopped?" Arcee questioned as she walked up to them in her bipedal mode.

"No," Optimus answered.

"Figures," Arcee sighed, "You have no idea how long he was preoccupied with rebuilding the Jackhammer when Cybertron was restored."

"Can you get him to stop?" Levi demanded, "Four-eyes has shit to do today."

"Wheeljack, I want to go back to the ship," Arcee told him.

Wheeljack stopped talking to Hanji and turned to Arcee. "Give me two minutes?"

"I know what two minutes lead to and I want to head back," Arcee declared, "We haven't refueled since five planets ago."


"I have the notes," Wheeljack reassured as he set Hanji down on the ground and showed her the data pad, "I can bring the Jackhammer and we can continue talking about it later."

"Okay," Hanji whined.

Wheeljack transformed into his alt mode and drove off with Arcee transforming and following close behind.

"We got through so much!" Hanji cried, "Wheeljack is so cool!"

"I think we should be worried about how much time they spend together," Levi informed Optimus in a hushed tone as she cried.

"Agreed," Optimus said.


Pieck was so tired as she walked into the military compound. After what she saw last night, she couldn't sleep. She stayed awake in bed, paranoid out of her mind. How could she not? A shadow suddenly appeared in her home and disappeared as if nothing happened. She couldn't let that go, but she couldn't really tell anyone. She didn't know how to. Even if she did, she would no doubt be experimented on like Annie was. Annie was not okay. That much was clear. Whatever Marley did to Annie, she did not want them doing that to her. Hopefully there wasn't much of an incident afterwards.

Meanwhile, Zeke handed Megatron the papers in regards to the Attack Titan in his office. Megatron browsed through it, but found nothing that was truly useful. Most of the information was based on when the Attack Titan went missing, and why nothing was really done about it at the time. In addition, they somehow managed to keep it a secret from enemy forces. It only got out after the mission failed on the island.

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