Coup D'état Part 2

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Megatron's optics snapped open from another one of his gruesome nightmares. He blinked and found himself looking up at this twisted Earth's starry sky. He's...alive. He's still alive. He sat up and rubbed his optics in irritation before leaning against a tree. The ex-con glanced over to see Optimus asleep in his bipedal mode, his back facing him.

Megatron sighed and looked back at the sky. This was hard; this was extremely hard. He was trying so hard to prove that he could be an ally to Optimus. He was trying to get Optimus to trust him...but the humans were so infuriating! He couldn't get along with them! He didn't harm the ones on their side at the very least, but Optimus was still willing to kill him if he used excessive violence.

Megatron groaned in irritation. All he wants is to fix the damage between them, but four million years of damage wasn't going to be fixed overnight. He still wants to do something meaningful, something that doesn't end up harming another.

Megatron picked up some yelling followed by a long 'bang' in the castle. He recognized it to be the mad scientist and sighed. What was that human on about now?

* * *

Hanji slammed the chair into the floor before stomping on the pieces of wood. After her little chat with Sannes, she needed to blow off some steam. She ended up going to the dining hall and start breaking the tables and chairs in her sight. So far she broke a table and three chairs. And after stomping on the one in her possession, she grabbed the leg of the chair and threw it at the door.

Megatron opened the door with the holoform and caught the leg. The ex-con looked at the damaged the human made and was not amused.

"Mad scientist," Megatron spoke.

"What?!" Hanji shouted as she quickly turned. She recognized his holoform and grimaced. "What the hell do you want?"

"I can hear your obnoxious screaming from outside," Megatron answered.

"Because there was a bug!" Hanji yelled, "A huge ass cockroach that needed to be squashed!"

"You are a terrible liar, mad scientist," Megatron remarked as he crossed his arms.

"I'm not mad!" Hanji declared, "Do I look mad? You know what, don't answer that! Instead, get the fuck out!"

Hanji walked over to Megatron and tried to push him out of the room, but with no result. Megatron merely raised an eyebrow at her and her futile efforts. He grabbed her by the collar before closing the door behind him. He grabbed a chair that was still intact and sat her down before grabbing one for himself and sitting in front of her with his legs crossed.

"Talk," Megatron ordered.

"No," Hanji refused.


"Fuck you," Hanji hissed.

"Are you trying to test my patience?" Megatron demanded.

Hanji merely responded by flipping Megatron off. Her heart stopped when Megatron shot up and grabbed one of her hands. He then grabbed her face and forced her to look him dead in the eye.

"I can break your servos right now," Megatron declared, "I can torture you in multiple way and break your neck with ease before another word comes out of your mouth."

"You think I give a shit?" Hanji questioned, "I've seen people get eaten alive for the past six years of my life. Your words mean nothing to me."

Megatron raised an skeptic eyebrow while Hanji looked at the hand gripping hers.

"Has anyone ever told you your holoform hands are cold?" Hanji asked.

"Something is troubling you," Megatron stated as he let Hanji go.

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