Coup D'état Part 4

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Kenny began to reload his weaponry as Rod and the others were getting ready for the...ritual to say the least. But the man was getting a little worried. Whatever was in his weapons was now inside that Annie girl. Will it kill her? Will it burn her? What happens if he tries to steal the new butchered serum and try it on himself? Would it really provide the edge needed to go against the Metal Titans? He wasn't exactly trusting Rod's judgment, unlike Uri's.

Kenny finished loading his weapon before pulling the broken hilt of the sword dropped during the pursuit of Levi and the other Survey Corps members out of his strap pocket. He's never seen or heard of that swordsman before. Especially one that would join the Survey Corps. He seemed like an outlaw.

Kenny tapped the broken sword against his chin. It wasn't the Metal Titan. He knew that. He was informed the titan's color scheme was red and blue. Not straight up grey like the other one.

'Wait a minute,' Kenny thought. The same time that the Flying Titan appeared, the swordsman showed up, and the Metal Titan was shown to have a human form. Maybe...

Kenny looked down at the sword and saw his reflection. It's a suspicion for right now, nothing more, but it might possibly be true. It just probably wasn't a good idea to tell Rod, maybe not ever.

Rod seemed to be slipping into madness, and he wasn't going to get the opportunity to grab the power of the titans if he didn't.

* * *

Optimus' alt form was still outside of the castle as the sun rose up. The Prime adjusted his side view mirrors before deciding to transform and stretch his legs. As the Prime raised his arms over his head, he thought about Bertholdt and the dark energon infecting his body.

He doesn't have that much time to live. He had no way of liquefying energon because he doesn't have the resources necessary. The one chance of gaining information about the titans may be lost to them since Bertholdt intends to take the secret to his grave. What was he supposed to do?

Finding Annie was their best option, but he doesn't know where to look. If she is kidnapped, she's most likely somewhere in Wall Sina with Rod Reiss. The Survey Corps were too busy finding Eren; he doesn't think they have time to find her. But maybe....

Optimus shook his head. No, that was foolish. He couldn't trust Megatron. Why would he send him to find her?

Optimus thought back at the boy and sighed. It wasn't like they had many options, and Megatron would be far away from the children. The Prime stopped stretching and opened his comm. link channel to contacted Megatron.

"What is it, Optimus?" Megatron demanded, "I'm recharging."

"Where?" Optimus questioned.

"In the outer most wall," Megatron answered, "I'm not a fool, Optimus. I know I'm not allowed to reveal my form to any other humans. Now why is it that you called?"

"I am asking you to find Annie Leonhart," Optimus answered.

Optimus was met with silence on the other end of the comm. "An odd request."

"Bertholdt Hoover is running out of time because of the dark energon in his system, and he intends to take the secret to his grave," Optimus explained, "The only other person who knows the secret of the titans is her. If there is a possibility that she is even alive, we must find her."

"Fine," Megatron said, "I'll inform the dwarf-"

"Megatron, I need you to do this on your own," Optimus declared.

"Again, an odd request," Megatron remarked, "Shouldn't the dwarf know about what you're ordering me to do? Or your Commander?"

Optimus didn't respond to the question.

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