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"She what?" Levi demanded.

"How did she escape?" Optimus demanded.

"I don't fucking know!" Hanji exclaimed as she sat up from the table, "Oh man, she's going to find out about Bertholdt and hunt us down and-"

"Ms. Zoe, please calm down," Optimus advised, "We need to investigate her whereabouts."

"She could've left the wall by now," Levi retorted.

"But what if she hears about Wall Rose?" Hanji retorted, "Rumors are already spreading about Megatron!"

"God fucking damn it. We can't have people freaking out about buckethead," Levi declared.

"What about the Commander?" Optimus asked, "He is supposed to be traveling to the Capital."

"Yeah, he has to go to the capital about some stuff regarding the council. He'll stop by the prison along the way," Hanji explained, "We had her on total lockdown! She couldn't transform! How the fuck did she get out?!"

A idea suddenly sprang in her head. She remembered Megatron being able to communicate with Optimus by tapping his head and he could do it from a certain distance. Maybe one of them could go over there and send instant feedback.

"Optimus, I have an idea," Hanji began, "Let's send Megatron."

Mobilit yelped as he dropped some supplies he was carrying.

"You've officially lost it," Levi declared.

"That is out of the question," Optimus stated, "I am not sending Megatron into a highly populated area."

"Megatron can fly and stay above the town. No one will notice if he keeps his distance," Hanji retorted.

"Megatron's form already stands out on this world, and this world has not invented the concept of flight," Optimus countered.

"You stick out too!" Hanji shouted, "I haven't seen a caravan other than you that's red and blue!"

"Megatron does not possess a holoform,"

"We don't even know if that's true!"

"Megatron despises humanity," Optimus reminded, "Do you really believe he would install a program that would allow him to walk amongst them?"

"Just ask the bastard about it," Levi cut in, "If he doesn't have one, then we can wait until Erwin sends us something."

Optimus sighed. "Fine,"

"I'll come with you," Hanji suggested.

"You will stay here," Optimus ordered, deactivating the holoform.

Hanji groaned. "I have to do research!"

"Shut up, shit glasses," Levi said.

* * *

Optimus transformed into his bipedal mode and saw Megatron stretching his legs.

"I see you've managed to stop that screeching," Megatron remarked.

"One of the humans was having a panic attack," Optimus explained, "There's been a problem with one of our prisoners."

"I thought there was only one prisoner," Megatron recalled as he stopped stretching and looked at the Prime.

"There was another titan shifter we found a week ago," Optimus explained as he opened his crate and took out two pieces of energon, "She managed to escape from her cell."

Megatron sighed as Optimus threw the piece and he caught it. "How many more of these 'titan shifters' are there?"

"So far there are six," Optimus answered, "But the titan village that three of them hail from may contain more. We need that location."

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