The Neutral Ship

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Three months ago (Paradis)

Eren grabbed the loaf of bread as part of his dinner before walking through the mess hall to sit down with his friends. All of them seemed rather exhausted as they were trying to stretch and relax their muscles.

"Damn, today was pretty exhausting," Jean remarked, "Didn't think that we'd be doing housework. I thought we would be going to the ship already. It's been almost a month."

"Historia wanted to do the orphanage," Armin retorted, "And we wanted to see how many people we could get to join the Survey Corps. There's also the fact Hanji wanted to destroy the cave to retrieve the glowing crystals. They've created an unlimited light source."

"I guess, but I'm happy about the Survey Corps growing to a decent number," Connie admitted as he looked around to see a pretty packed mess hall, "About fifty new members so far. It's probably going to increase soon."

"Ever since the titans on the island have been eradicated, there's been a lack of demand for Garrison soldiers," Armin said, "Many have taken on the role of keeping peace within the walls, but that still not enough of a job."

"Probably why so many are transferring here," Sasha concluded.

"Many that have joined have also been curious to see Optimus and Megatron," Mikasa recalled.

"Well Optimus has been in the classroom when Hanji is explaining the formation," Armin retorted.

"But they probably don't know that's him," Mikasa reminded.

"Hey, long time, no see," A voice spoke.

They all turned to see a boy with blonde hair walking towards them with a tray in hand.

"Floch, it's been a while," Jean remarked.

"A good few months," Floch recalled as he sat down, "You guys don't mind me sitting here right? It's nice to see familiar faces,"

"We don't mind," Eren spoke, "Honestly it's nice to see a familiar face too,"

Floch let out a small laugh. "Still, it does look like you guys changed, even though it hasn't been a year,"

They all didn't say anything as they drifted their eyes away from Floch.

"'s been pretty eventful," Armin remarked.

"I agree," Floch said, "It's still hard to believe humanity's not extinct."

"Well, buckethead did find the port and destroy it so...," Connie trailed off.

"'Buckethead?'" Floch questioned.

"Oh that what we call Megatron," Sasha explained, "His head kind of looks like a bucket."

"You're insulting the titan that willingly helping out humanity?" Floch asked.

Eren choked on his drink while everyone at the table stared at him in shock, making Floch feel nervous.

"What did I say?" he asked.

Everyone looked at each other before Jean, Connie, and Sasha busted out laughing, causing some people to turn their heads. Connie slammed his hand on the table while Sasha nearly fell out of her seat.

"Oh, Floch, my friend you have a lot to learn," Jean chuckled as he put his arms around his shoulder.

"Optimus might be willing to help out, but Megatron...,"Armin trailed off.

"He's a little shit, that's what he is," Sasha declared.

"Huh?!" Floch exclaimed.

"Megatron doesn't like humans," Mikasa explained, "And if this were any other scenario he would've left us."

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