The Tyburs

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Yelena watched as Hanji inspected the controls for one of the Marleyan ships. Her hand grazed the buttons and dials before reaching a set of communication headphones. She picked it up and placed it on her head.

"So this allows for communications, correct?" she asked.

"Communications from one ship to the next," Yelena clarified, "It needs to be on the ship in order to maintain a stable connection."

" obsolete version of what Optimus and buckethead can do," Hanji assumed.

"'Buckethead'?" Yelena questioned.

"We call Matthew 'buckethead' because his head looks like a bucket," Hanji shrugged as she took off the headphones.

"But what do you mean 'obsolete'?" Yelena questioned.

"Optimus and Buckethead have the ability to maintain wireless communication through something called a 'comm. link'. It's built into their heads and they can communicate for long distances. It's how we're able to gain information from Marley and the rest of the outside world so fast," Hanji explained, "They've used this during their Civil War."

Yelena didn't say anything as Hanji began to inspect the radio the headphones were connected to.

"Is there a chance that we can take this out and see if this works?" Hanji asked, "We could probably make this wireless with Optimus' help."

Hanji continued to mumble to herself, something about Optimus' lack of knowledge in technology and buckethead having to stay in Marley. Yelena coughed aloud to get her attention, and Hanji turned her head to her.

"Sorry," Hanji apologized, "We are grateful for what you brought us."

"We are happy to be of assistance," Yelena smiled, "We do hope to see Eren Jaeger soon. Hopefully to talk about him meeting with Zeke to determine how to access the powers of the Founding Titan,"

"Well, Eren does have a busy schedule," Hanji reasoned, "And we only just met you. Trust must be earned first."

"Understandable," Yelena agreed.

"Can you show me more of the ship?" Hanji asked with excitement.

"Of course," Yelena answered.

Hanji followed Yelena out of the control room while Yelena quietly sighed to herself. This was going to be a lot harder on her than she thought.



Megatron watched as Gabi and Falco were fighting against one another with rifles in their hands, incorporating the techniques that he taught them. He didn't teach them how to completely perfect the move, so he could see them struggling and determine weak points if he ever had to actually fight them in battle.

"Matthew, when will I fight?" Zofia asked him.

"You'll fight the winner," Megatron told her.

As they continued fighting, Megatron noticed something out of the corner of his eye. He turned to see a Calvi walking along side Willy Tybur with two personal guards at his side. Megatron wanted to duck his head and look away, but Willy noticed him and smiled with delight.

"Matthew!" Willy smiled as he walked up to him, ignoring the concerned looks of the guards. Megatron took a step back from the Tybur as he almost hugged him. Willy recognized Megatron's discomfort and quickly backed off.

"Sorry," Willy apologized, "I forgot you don't like physical contact."

Gabi and Falco stopped fighting and the three children watched the conversation in shock.

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