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"Alright, Optimus," Hanji began as Optimus was in his alt mode in front of the gates of Wall Sina, "We'll be sending you out to find the hole within Wall Rose and guard it to prevent other titans from coming into the wall."

"Understood Ms. Zoe," Optimus said.

"And once we gather our troops, we'll send them into Wall Rose to find you and the others," Hanji finished.

"Squad Leader," a soldier began as he landed on the ground next to Hanji, "There are no titans near the gate."

"Good, open the gate," Hanji ordered.

She watched as the gate slowly opened as Optimus revved up his engines. When the opening was large enough, Optimus speed through and drove through the land of Wall Rose.

Hanji coughed as she tried to get rid of the smoke Optimus caused. She opened her eyes to see the gate slowly closing and Optimus' form leaving her sight.

"Good luck!" Hanji called out as the gates shut completely.

"He's been getting pissed off lately," a voice said.

Hanji turned and looked down to see Levi next to her. "You've noticed too."

"It's not like him though," Levi admitted, "It kind of nerves me."

"Yeah, it's hard to deal with Optimus when he's mad," Hanji smiled as she rubbed the back of her head, "Usually he just gives the silent treatment, but now he's just piss- Wait a minute, it nerves you?!"

"Usually Prime is always calm and quiet," Levi began, "But I guess he's not used to the rules of this world like we are. I don't know what happens on his world, but it's probably not like here."

"I just hope things will go back to normal again and Optimus can go back to his usual self," Hanji hoped.

Levi gave her a smug look. "I doubt that anything will go back to normal. Whatever that is,"

* * *

"Sasha," Mr. Blause began as he looked at his daughter, "How long before we reach Wall Sina?"

"I don't know," Sasha admitted, "But we should be almost there,"

Sasha gasped as she pulled her horse to a stop. She sensed something pure that was coming their way before seeing a set of lights.

"Prime," Sasha whispered.

She whipped the reins on her horse before it sped faster towards the lights.

"Sasha, what the hell?!" Mr. Blause yelled as he sped after her.

Sasha saw the lights get closer until she could make out the weird caravan. She pulled the reins on the horse as it skidded to a stop. Sasha then covered her ears as the caravan screeched to a stop.

"Sasha?! What the-whoa!" Mr. Blause exclaimed as he pulled his horse to a stop.

"Sasha, are you alright?" Optimus asked through the radio.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Sasha answered, "I just went to find any survivors from my village."

"I see," Optimus mused, "Do you know where any of your other comrades are?"

Sasha shook her head. "I thought they would've made it to the wall."

"Then they are still out there," Optimus whispered to himself, "Sasha, the wall is not too far from here. Take your village to the wall immediately and stay there. Your safety is top priority."

"Wait, Optimus!" Sasha yelled, but Optimus revved up his engines and drove off.

"I have to tell you something!" She yelled.

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