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Megatron jolted awake to find himself in the same spot he fell asleep in the night before. He rubbed his optics before noticing a cube of energon at his pedes. He picked it up, but didn't bother to open it. Megatron heard the sound of typing and followed the noise to the main hull of the ship. He found Optimus typing away on the computers, paying no mind to Megatron entering. Megatron rubbed his optics again as he walked up to the Prime.

"There is a berth on the ship," Optimus told him, "You need to well rested for your mission."

"Pretending to be a human is always an irritating and draining process, regardless of how I recharge," Megatron retorted, "But today is going to much more irritating."

"How so?" Optimus questioned.

"I'm going to have to deal with the humans grieving over their fallen comrade," Megatron answered.

Optimus finally turned to Megatron in confusion before realizing what he was talking about. Megatron was referring to the Eldians dealing with the loss of Bertholdt.

"I have no idea how their superiors would manipulate this information," Megatron continued, "But I'm going to have to deal with sad humans all day today and I don't want to deal with that. I would rather switch places with you and deal with the Survey Corps."

Optimus leaned against the console. "How so?"

"You just have to deal with betrayal," Megatron answered, "An enemy that betrayed the island that is now dead, and suffered in a rather gruesome way, I might add."

"Megatron, they still worked together for three years," Optimus reminded, "That's not something that is easily forgotten."

"And what happened immediately after those three years?" Megatron asked rhetorically, "Another attack by the Colossal Titan. Those years meant nothing. Get over it. Move on."

"...It is not that simple," Optimus spoke.

Megatron scoffed. "Clearly you haven't dealt with betrayal that much, since all your precious Autobots followed your every whim."

"It's not like you would have simpler time dealing with grief," Optimus argued, "Nearly everyone under your command has betrayed you and disobeyed your orders."

"Well someone has spark today," Megatron smirked.

Optimus didn't respond as he turned back to the monitor. "You should head back to Marley."

Megatron rolled his optics. "We should have a discussion about what happens in the next twenty four hours."

Optimus glanced back. "About what exactly?"

"To see who fairs better in our current situation," Megatron suggested.

"I am not making a childish deal with you," Optimus swore, "This is a very delicate topic."

"It's not a deal," Megatron deadpanned, "I'm fairly certain you can't express your concerns to the mad scientist or the dwarf."

"Just go to Marley," Optimus ordered.

Megatron shrugged in response and left the ship. Optimus tried to return to the monitor and continue typing, but Megatron's words weighed heavily on him.

He was right: it was going to be difficult to process Bertholdt Hoover's death on both sides.



Zeke looked outside the window to his office to see that the clouds were beginning to form. It looked like it was going to rain today. Zeke huffed in response. It was somehow fitting for today's mood.

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