Word to the Wise

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Erwin was surprised when he arrived at the port by carriage. He didn't really know what to expect, when Hanji agreed to invite him to the port. He read the newspaper a while ago, but they didn't show any of the plans or what it looked like as a drawing. Kenny never really described it; he didn't really get the chance because he was trying not to get caught. But looking at it fully as he stepped out of the carriage...it looked pretty beautiful.

"Erwin!" a familiar voice cried out.

Erwin turned and grunted as Hanji came and gave him a hard hug. "Commander-,"

"Don't call me Commander," Hanji hissed as she let Erwin go, "I hear it from both Levi and Optimus. I don't want to hear it from you too."

"Sorry, Hanji," Erwin gave a small smile, "I'll probably be here for half the day. I don't want to overstay my welcome."

"You sure?" Hanji asked him.

"I'm sure," Erwin answered, "You're no doubt busy today."

"Actually, today is a rather clear schedule," Hanji smiled as the two walked over to the port, "We will be going over some plans for new equipment, but for now we're just waiting for the Azumabito's response on Optimus' proposal."

"Is that another nation?" Erwin asked her, "That's willing to work with Paradis?"

"Well, they're willing to work with us for profit," Hanji explained, "Optimus intervened and offered technology from his world so that we wouldn't have to use the Rumbling and offer up Historia."

"But it's still dangerous," Erwin retorted, "Their technology is more powerful than the titans."

"Optimus knows that," Hanji sighed, "...But he's the one that's been expressing vocal opposition about not using the Rumbling. This is a situation that he has some control over."

"Where is he?" Erwin asked.

"At the neutral ship," Hanji answered, "He'll be here later today."

Erwin nodded his head in response. He didn't really want to be around Optimus at the moment. He was certain things were awkward between them. He didn't know how the Prime felt about him, and he would rather stay out of his way instead of creating something that he didn't want to. He also hoped that he would avoid Megatron. He wasn't sure what that titan would do if he saw him here.



Megatron grunted as Lara swung her hammer at his face. He quickly dodged it before swinging downward with the mace in hand. Lara managed to block it with her hammer and the two were in a deadlock. They forced each other back before charging once more. Lara swung upward before throwing a swing at Megatron's side. Megatron managed to block it last minute, but the impact of the hammer still knocked him to the ground. Megatron quickly got up and knocked the hammer out of her hands with the mace. Megatron pointed the mace mere inches away from Lara's face. Lara relented in response before raising her hands in surrender.

"You win," Lara stated.

Megatron lowered the mace before letting it drop to the ground at his side. "You're improving a lot faster than I anticipated."

"Thank you," Lara said, the surprise still clear in her voice, "I didn't think I was improving much compared to you."

"Compared to the Eldians I train, you're doing just fine," Megatron insisted, "And I have to go easy on them."

"May I get you something to eat?" Lara asked him.

"No thanks," Megatron responded as he picked up his canteen of water and showed it to her, "I'm good."

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