The Female Titan Part 2

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Eren let out a roar as he charged at the Female Titan. He pulled back his fist as he threw an uppercut, but the Female Titan dodged it at the last second. She then kicked Eren in the gut, causing him to cough up spit. Eren quickly recovered as he pushed the foot away to punch the Female Titan. She managed to dodge each punch as Eren's fist crashed into a tree.

Eren roared as the Female Titan ran away from him to herself more time for her arms to heal.

* * *

Levi's eyes slightly darkened as he saw the bodies of his now former squad. His stomach turned and his heart burned in anger and sadness as he saw the conditions of each body:

Eld's body in half, Gunther's hanging corpse, Oluo's broken body.

Levi stopped near a tree as he saw Petra's body, lying against a tree. Her blood stained the tree and face, while her eyes were completely colorless and void of life.

Levi simply blinked. It was just like Farlan and Isabel; they were all gone, and he couldn't do anything about it.

* * *

'Why. Won't. She. Stay. Still?!' Eren thought as she continued dodging the punches.

Eren roared as he threw a punch at the Female Titan. She dodged it before rolling on the ground and getting back onto her feet as quickly as she could.

Eren slowly panted as he glared at the Titan.

Damn it. Damn her! He should've believed in himself instead of believing in his comrades. He should've helped Optimus fight her instead of sit idly by and watch! If only he did, then...

The thought of his comrades' dead bodies came to mind, before he started blinking his eyes, preventing tears from coming out. His comrades would still be alive!

Eren roared in anger as he charged at the Female Titan, getting ready to punch her.

He was going to destroy her. He was going to tear her to shreds. He was-

"You are letting your anger take control of you."

'Huh?' Eren thought as he slowed down.

The Female Titan's arms fully regenerated, along with her eye before she punched Eren in the face, sending him crashing into a tree.

Eren widened his eyes as he slowly got up. Why was he thinking of that now?

"Do not let your emotions take control,"

Eren didn't move as the Female Titan charged at him, getting ready to throw a punch.

* * *

Eren grunted as Optimus punched him in the face, causing him to skid on his back to a stop.

Optimus waited patiently as Eren stood up while clutching his cheek. Eren charged at Optimus, but Optimus simply tripped Eren as he landed on his back once more.

Eren panted as Optimus sat down and crossed his legs.

"Has something been troubling you?" Optimus asked.

Eren looked at Optimus in confusion as he forced himself into a sitting position. "Why would you ask that? I'm fine."

"You get rather frustrated when we fight," Optimus observed.

'Huh?" Eren exclaimed, "I don't get frustrated!"

"You do," Optimus proclaimed, "Considering the fact that you have been unable to land a single punch or kick ever since we started training."

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