Coup D'état Part 3

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Erwin groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. He sat up and rubbed his eyes before noticing that he was sitting on something smooth and...moving. Where was he?

"Hey, bushy brows, glad to see you're awake," a familiar voice remarked.

Erwin looked to his right to see Hanji sitting next to him in a smooth seat holding a wheel...with the Autobot symbol on it?!

"Hanji, what the hell is going on?" Erwin demanded as he moved forward, only to be stopped by a seat belt keeping him in place.

"We kidnapped you," Hanji answered, "Well, Optimus did."

Erwin examined his surroundings and realized he was in the interior of Optimus' alt mode. He noticed a screen that displayed some location next to the wheel before hearing some whining behind him. He looked behind his chair to see Reeves' son crying in the back seat in a fetal position.

"Oh, we also grabbed him too," Hanji added.

"Optimus, I gave you an order," Erwin spoke as he turned to the radio, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Disobeying your orders," Optimus merely answered.

"This isn't a game," Erwin declared, "I need to be the face of the Survey Corps!"

"And you still are," Optimus declared, "The people believe that you have been kidnapped, and the Survey Corps are not under suspicion at the moment for the murder. This can buy us some time."

"I was supposed to go to the capital!" Erwin shouted.

Optimus screeched to a stop, causing everyone to jerk forward and for Reeves' son to hit his head on the back of Erwin's chair.

Hanji groaned as she rubbed her head. "A little warning next time would be nice!"

"If you handed yourself over willingly to the government, they would have you tortured and killed!" Optimus exclaimed to Erwin, "Staging a kidnapping has bought the Survey Corps some time to figure out the situation without having your life in danger."

"Hanji was supposed to be in charge if anything happened to me," Erwin explained.

"You're numbers are already as few as it is," Optimus countered, "I do not know what you believe, but there are people who still rely on you."

Erwin was about to retort, but thought it over. The Survey Corps numbers were few compared to the Military Police. He had no idea how his supposed kidnapping would affect the plan, but he couldn't do anything about it now.

"So where are we going now?" Erwin asked.

"Back to our previous hideout," Hanji explained, "We can't leave Bertholdt unattended and we can't stay in Trost because we might get caught. Optimus is hoping we can find a way to slow the dark energon in his systems long enough to get more information out of him. We still don't know why Reiss wants Eren, but Bertholdt may be the only one that has some idea."

Erwin stared at Hanji as he leaned back into his seat. He then narrowed his eyes at the screen on the dashboard and gulped. So back then, Optimus shot them. He shot humans and probably killed them.

Optimus went against his moral code.

* * *

"Kaboom!" Kenny shouted as he fired another round of his ammunition. Megatron grabbed Levi and pulled him around the chimney before sliding a little down the roof. Levi covered his head as the shot hit the chimney and some debris flew in front of him.

"Who is that?" Megatron demanded as he glanced over to see Kenny disposing of one of the shells.

"Kenny Ackerman," Levi hissed as he pushed himself up, "One of the most notorious criminals of the underground. I don't know what the hell he's doing here."

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