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Eren opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling of his home for a good few minutes. The titan shifter then forced himself to stand up and rub the side of his head. He went into his closet and pulled out his uniform before getting dressed. Once he did, he went over to the bathroom and began to brush his teeth. He stared at himself in the mirror for a while before spitting in the sink and finishing up the routine. He finished in the bathroom and walked over to the kitchen. He grabbed an apple along with some bread and began to eat that. As he continued eating, he looked around his small home with apathy. Being a Survey Corps Member did have some perks. He and his friends were provided housing with a monthly rental fee, and he got paid a decent wage for being in the Survey Corps. Usually there were other benefits to the wage, simply due to the fact of a high mortality rate.

Eren heard a knock on his door and walked over to it. He opened it to see Optimus' holoform waiting for him with his alt mode right in front of his house.

"Hey," Eren greeted, "I'm...not done eating yet."

"You can eat on the way to the port," Optimus allowed.

"Are you sure?" Eren asked.

"I trust you won't make a mess," Optimus said to him.

Eren quickly grabbed his jacket while Optimus deactivated the holoform. He locked the door to his house before running towards Optimus' alt mode. Optimus opened the door to the passenger side and Eren climbed inside before Optimus shut the door. Eren put on the seatbelt before Optimus began driving towards the port. It was silent between the two as Eren continued eating his apple.

"I'm also going to go and pick up Armin, since his home is on the way to the port," Optimus informed.

"Okay," Eren merely replied.

"Eren, how are you feeling?" Optimus asked.

Eren shrugged in response. "I'm...okay. I guess. It's not so bad."

"Do you wish to discuss it?" Optimus asked.

"Maybe later," Eren replied, "I don't want to have a heavy conversation with Armin coming."

"...I still believe that you should talk to Armin and Mikasa about this," Optimus told him.

Eren finished the last of his apple. "They don't need to hear that."

Optimus didn't reply to that, leaving the both of them in silence. They continued drive for some time until they arrived at Armin's home. Eren saw Armin exiting his home before his friend turned in surprise to see the Cybertronian. Eren lowered the window of the passenger side and stuck his head out.

"Optimus said he'd give us a ride," Eren explained.

Armin got over his surprise before rushing back into his home, confusing the two of them. After waiting for a few minutes, Armin came running out with a few books in hands. He went around and opened the driver door before setting the books on the seat. Eren quickly picked them up as Armin climbed into the driver's seat and Optimus closed the door.

"Armin, what is all this?" Eren asked as Armin buckled his seatbelt.

"Books from Optimus' library," Armin answered as Optimus began driving, "I thought I should bring it with me so that I don't forget to give it back."

"Armin, I trust that you will take care of the books," Optimus reassured.

"I just didn't want to forget," Armin admitted.

Eren stared out the window as Armin and Optimus continued talking about the books they've read in the library. They were happy; he couldn't complain about that. Eren watched with apathy as the trees and the houses passed them by. This would have been amazing to him, a long time ago. But now...

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