Old Faces

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Levi watched Hanji gives some orders to the other Survey Corps members. They nodded their heads in response and walked out of the tent. Levi walked inside the tent to see Hanji going over some reports before noticing that he was there.

"Levi, good to see you," Hanji smiled, "How are you?"

"You did something, didn't you?" Levi demanded.

"Surprisingly, no," Hanji answered, "Optimus talked to them last week and they've been able to be more productive. I'm sure not everything is gone, but they're not crying during work or trying to hurt the Marleyans in anger."

Levi sighed in response. "I guess that's good...how have you been doing with...everything?"

Hanji raised an eyebrow before smiling. "Is the stoic and shitty Levi concerned about me?"

"Shut up," Levi groaned, "If you drop, I'm not about to lead these kids."

"You were never much of a Commander," Hanji agreed, "Neither am I, but I'm making it work."

"We both know I'm not cut out for the role," Levi stated.

"...the world lost a little bit of it's luster," Hanji admitted, "The mystery, the titans...the world...it's a little sad."

"...didn't think you were the sentimental type," Levi commented.

"I can be insightful," Hanji proclaimed.

"When you don't smell like shit," Levi retorted.

Hanji laughed a little before it died down. "What about you?"

"...same as you I guess," Levi answered, "The world got bigger, and we're getting smaller. What are we even fighting for in this shit world?"

"I wish I knew," Hanji admitted, "Part of me doesn't want to believe that the whole world is against us. The Restorationists are willing to help out. Maybe there is someone else that wants to help us as well."

"You know we can't trust them," Levi reminded.

"I know," Hanji agreed before resting her head on the table, "I miss Erwin."

"Yeah?" Levi said.

Hanji hummed in response. "Maybe he knew what to do. I know for a fact he would handle this a lot better than I would. This is the world he wanted and dreamed about. The world he wouldn't shut up about in his training days, and now when we need him more than ever, I'm the one that's stuck in this stupid position."

"You know it's because of Optimus, right?" Levi reminded, "Erwin didn't want to lose Optimus, so he gave up the position."

"Erwin is more qualified and more experienced," Hanji said, "But I do agree with Optimus. How many more people was he willing to sacrifice for a dream that may or may not have been true?"

"I wonder how often he has to think about that," Levi said.

"I'm certain he feels guilty," Hanji agreed, "He's probably alone with his thoughts and his actions."

Hanji stood up from the table. "I want to see him again. I want to bring him to Sina or here. Catch up. See how he's been doing."

"You know he doesn't have that type of clearance anymore," Levi reminded.

"I just want to see him again," Hanji proclaimed, "And besides, I'm the Commander. Who's gonna stop me?"

Hanji walked out of the tent with a little more confidence in her step. Levi scowled as he saw her scattered reports on the table and gathered them up into one neat pile. He saw the Wings of Freedom and sighed. He wondered how Erwin's been doing for the past six months since he officially left.

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