Before the Expedition Part 2

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"Train me," Eren demanded.

Optimus sliced a tree in half before looking at Eren in confusion. "Excuse me?"

"I want you to train me," Eren repeated, "Your fighting style is better than the people I know, especially after what I saw in the courtroom. If I can learn your fighting style, I can use that whenever I'm in my titan form, and kill more titans."

"I cannot do that, Eren," Optimus said.

Eren looked in confusion before he became frustrated. "Hey! Why?"

"Because your race does not trust me," Optimus answered.

"What do you mean?" Eren asked.

"We pose a threat to humanity," Optimus explained as he kneeled down to face him, "The Survey Corps is still cautious of us while many want us dead. If I train you that would arouse suspicion and your race will have more of the reason to kill us."

Eren looked down in sadness. "Oh, I see."

"I have no issue with training you; however, it is not my place to decide. I will ask to see if I am able to train you. If they say no, then there is nothing more than I can do." Optimus told him.

"Then there's a chance?" Eren asked with a little hope.

"It's very slim, but possible," Optimus answered.

* * *

"Training?" Erwin asked in surprise.

"Yes," Optimus answered while in his holoform, "Eren wishes to learn my fighting style, so that he may kill more titans while in his titan form without getting tired."

"It is not my place," Erwin answered.

"You are the Commander of the Survey Corps. I do not understand how it is not your place." Optimus admitted.

"Before your trial, Eren was placed under the guardianship of someone else in the Survey Corps," Erwin explained, "You will have to ask him."

"Who do I need to ask?" Optimus asked.

"Captain Levi," Erwin answered.

* * *

Optimus walked around the castle in his bipedal mode as he looked for Levi. After looking within the castle, Optimus decided to look for him outside in his actual form. After checking the interior area of the castle, he began to check the perimeter of the castle. Optimus then heard a wiping noise and turned a corner to see Levi wiping a window, using his 3D gear to stay in place.

"Levi, may I speak with you?" Optimus asked.

Levi sighed in irritation. "What do you want? I'm busy."

Optimus resisted the urge to deadpan. "I've come to ask for your permission."

Levi stopped wiping and looked at Optimus. "Permission?"

"Eren has requested for me to train him," Optimus explained, "However, I came to ask for permission because I do not wish for any suspicion to grow about us plotting to destroy humanity."

Levi jus gave Optimus a blank look. "I don't trust you."

"And that is why I am asking for your permission," Optimus retorted, "I have no reason to attack your kind. I am merely trying to gain your trust."

Levi sighed. "All right, let's make a deal."

"A deal?" Optimus asked in confusion.

"You're going to be helping us with Eren's experiments from what I've been hearing from Hanji," Levi began, "If the experiment goes well and we find something new about the titans, I'll let you train him."

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