Purpose OVA

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Megatron sat on top of an abandoned building that was a safe distance from the Well of the Allspark and the Autobots there. He then saw Optimus fly into the air before turning back around and flying into the well.

He knew. He knew exactly what Optimus did in order to seal Unicron away and save the Allspark and the future of their race. But in order to do that, he had to give himself up.

Megatron looked in slight awe at the millions of sparks that poured out of the well, traveling to the four corners of Cybertron, but stopped himself as he realized what had happened. Optimus is dead, or reborn once again. The Autobots seemed too distracted by the sparks pouring out from the Wells that they didn't feel grief yet. He would still be in awe at the sight if it weren't for the fact that Optimus is dead.

He shook his head and stood up. He needed to go.

Megatron transformed and flew over Cybertron with no destination ahead. He saw the ruin, the remains of destruction, and it was all because of him. Before he realized it, he landed on the ground and found himself in...

"Kaon," Megatron mumbled to himself as he walked into the area. Megatron felt something crack under his pedes and looked down to see pieces of his statue that once stood at the top of the entrance. He looked at the top of the entrance to see nothing more than the small pieces of the pedes.

The ex-tyrant chuckled to himself. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Megatron stepped over the pieces of what remained of the statue and found himself in the middle of the arena. He closed his optics and remembered his time in the arena while the crowd still chanted his name. He could hear it. The time when the revolution was young, the time when there was hope for a future in Cybertron.

He opened his optics to see the same, empty area he was in now.

'That time has passed,' Megatron told himself.

He wanted to destroy something. Out of anger? Pain? He wasn't sure. He then tried to summon his dark energon weapons, but nothing happened.

Megatron sighed. Typical. Of course Unicron wouldn't leave his own vessel with the power to defend himself.

Megatron walked over to one of the gate to the arena and placed his helm against it. Just because Cybertron's been dormant for thousands of years didn't mean that life still wasn't on the planet somewhere. Scraplets were definitely a high chance.

When Megatron concluded that nothing was inside, he placed his servo between the bars and broke the gate. He then carefully walked through the place he used to call home. He was either forced to sleep in a dump, or travel from planet to planet during the war in search of a new place to call home. The arena was the closest thing to stability that he ever had.

Megatron continued walking down the halls with care before finding a closed door with an automatic button. Megatron press it and was a bit grateful to see that the door was still working, but raised a metal eyebrow in surprise as he saw the room filled with old weapons. He assumed most of it was taken during the war. Guess he was wrong.

Megatron touched something with his pede and looked down to see the hilt of a sword. He kneeled down and picked it up and examined it. He saw a switch and flicked it, causing the hilt to transform into a full length sword.

Megatron simply clipped the sword to his side, deciding to keep it. He transformed it back to a hilt before standing up and looking around for a weapon of defense. Megatron looked at the wall and slightly widened his optics to see his old shield sitting there. He knelt down and touched the writing that he carveed into the edge.

"We have value," Megatron quietly read.

The ex-tyrant picked up the shield and was about to place it on his back, but stopped as he saw his reflection.

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