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"Yelena's making her first move," Kenny told Erwin. Erwin looked up from his book before setting it down on the table.

"When and where?" Erwin asked him.

"Sometime soon," Kenny answered, "She brought up something about a wine and administering it to the military when stationed there."

"I saw something in the newspaper about the military approving of Marley's integration into our society," Erwin explained, "Did you know what the person's occupation is?"

"No clue," Kenny admitted, "Left before I could find out."

Erwin sighed as he tapped his foot. "It was wine, so he's most likely a bartender or chef. Something within the culinary arts."

"Do ya want me to grab the wine and bring it here?" Kenny asked.

"No, that would be risky," Erwin answered, "This would most likely be within the inner city, and someone from the military might be able to recognize you. When Nile comes by, I'll tell him to bring some wine."

"...the wine might still be at the port," Kenny suggested, "I could go and grab it while it's still there."

Erwin thought it over. "Or I could,"

"No offense, but you're not exactly subtle," Kenny remarked.

"I mean I go there to visit Hanji," Erwin explained, "We talk, and I ask to take something home with me as a gift."

Erwin grabbed some paper from his office and began writing a letter. As he was writing, Erwin felt his guilt begin to weigh on him, realizing that he was using Hanji as a means to an end once more. Kenny noticed this and sighed.

"Ya can write it tomorrow," Kenny suggested.

Erwin shook his head. "Time is of the essence right now."

Kenny watched Erwin continue to write the letter. He didn't know what to really do in this situation, so he just left the man to his own devices.



Eren dodged a swipe from Optimus' blade as he threw a punch at Optimus' bipedal mode. Optimus swiped upwards, but Eren wasn't able to dodge in time as the blade cut through his eye. Eren recovered as the wound quickly regenerated.

"Eren, you must be able to estimate the reach of one's weapon if you wish to defend yourself," Optimus advised, "Do not stand too close to an opponent with a short range weapon if you cannot determine the weapon's range."

Eren nodded his head in understanding before getting into another fighting stance and throwing another punch at the Prime. Meanwhile, Hanji was watching with excitement while Armin was taking notes. He stopped and looked back up at Eren, seeing him focused with his training. He's been worried about him as of late, and he wanted to talk to him about it. But...for some reason it felt like he was shutting him out. It felt like Eren wouldn't talk to him.

A few weeks ago, Armin asked Eren if he wanted to move in with him. He already explained to the titan shifter that Mikasa gathered her stuff to move in with him. He thought that the three of them could live together, kind of like they used to do before the military. But...Eren said no. Armin didn't want to press him about it and left it at that, but why did Eren say no?

Eren was able to harden his arms and block another swipe of Optimus' blade. Eren saw an opening and punched Optimus in the arm, but Eren began to panic as he realized he hit the arm with the scars. Eren quickly backed away and raised his hands in surrender, causing Optimus to stare in confusion.

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