Coup D'état Part 1

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Eren looked at the old castle the Corps used to stay in. "So why are we staying in here?"

"The government already knew where we were staying before the expedition a month ago, so they already looked here for you and Optimus," Hanji explained, "They wouldn't think to double check."

"I don't know," Eren admitted.

"We'll move out in a day or so once we find a better place," Hanji reassured, "Just help me with this stuff."

Eren grabbed a bag of supplies from the horse and was about to walk into the castle, but stopped when he noticed Optimus and Megatron in their holoform. Eren felt anger rise in him as he saw the former Decepticon carrying Bertholdt like a sack of flour.

He shouldn't be allowed free will. He shouldn't be allowed free will. He-

Eren yelped as he felt someone grab his ear and pull him behind the horse's pen. He looked up to see him face to face with Levi.

"Glaring at buckethead is not going to make anything better," Levi declared, "You might even make the situation worse if you try to provoke him."

"He doesn't deserve to live," Eren hissed, earning a smack in the head.

"We don't know both sides of the story," Levi explained, "I don't, so I'm being careful and will only retaliate if buckethead does decide to attack humanity."

Levi noticed Eren was still angry. "This is about something else."

"It's not fair," Eren said, "Optimus has been fighting for others for so long and everyone he cares about thinks he's dead. Megatron destroyed worlds and he gets to walk away without any punishment?!"

Levi sighed. "You're right. It's not fair; it never was. But we can't do anything to change their past. The issues that they have are between them. Let them hash it out on their own and come to a compromise. This isn't our place, just keep that in mind."

Eren looked back at the two before sighing. "If he does attack, I will kill him."

* * *

Hanji tapped her foot as Optimus and Megatron came out of Bertholdt's holding cell.

"He is detained," Optimus informed and passed her the key.

"So now what do we do?" Hanji asked, "We can't get to Erwin 'cause we'll all get caught. Government wants us dead, and you, Megs, are just an entire different category."

"What did you just call me?" Megatron hissed as Optimus put a hand in front of him. Optimus gave Hanji a rather irritated look while she just shrugged.

"You will need supplies soon enough," Optimus stated, "Meaning you may have to go into Trost."

"True, but we can't risk exposing ourselves too suddenly, and we shouldn't bring Eren or Historia," Hanji retorted, "Maybe we can send Megatron again."

"I am not doing your dirty work again," Megatron declared.

"Well we can't send Prime because he's a giant red and blue caravan that we have no idea how to hide," Hanji retorted, "You can fly beyond this world and still have a holoform intact."

"We'll discuss that later," Optimus said, "What about Eren and Historia? Someone is after them and we cannot leave them alone."

"Maybe we don't have to," Hanji said, "I have an idea, but we're going to need Armin and Jean."

* * *

Pixis knocked on the door to Erwin's room and noticed that he was trying to write with his left hand.

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