Judgement Day

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Eren gasped as he opened his eyes to find himself looking at a dark ceiling. He slowly got up and moved his arms, only to find them bound to chains.

"I see you're finally awake." a voice said.

Eren looked over to see he was behind bars; however, in front of the bars were two men that Eren immediately recognized.

The one sitting down on a chair was Commander Erwin Smith. The one standing up and leaning against the wall was Captain Levi. They were both members of the Scouting Legion with astounding skills.

"Do you have any questions Eren?" Erwin asked.

"Where am I?" Eren asked as he looked around the room he was in.

"You're now in an underground cell," Erwin answered, "As of now, you're under the Military Police's custody. We were granted permission to come and see you."

"What about my friends?" Eren asked.

"They'll be fine," Erwin answered, "We're asking them anything that could be related to how you got your titan power or the Metal Titan. However, it probably won't be much of a change."

Eren widened his eyes as he saw Erwin pull out a key. "That's the-"

"Yes, this is your key," Erwin interrupted, "You can have it back later, but back in your old home, in Doctor Jaeger's basement in the Zhingashina District, lies the answer to the mystery of the titans. Am I correct?"

"I'm not sure, at least I believe that's what my father said," Eren answered, still unsure.

"So you have amnesia and your dad's gone missing. Isn't that convenient," Levi remarked.

"Levi, we already talked about how he has no reason to lie to us," Erwin told him, before turning back to Eren, "There are thing we need to know. I believe we should ask what is it you want. In order to investigate your home, we need to seal the breach in the wall. That is where you and the Metal Titan's powers come in. Like it or not, the titans have influenced our fate, including the Colossal and Armored Titan. Your will is the key: the key humanity could use to get out of this hopeless situation."

"Uh..." Eren trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"Hey, we don't have all day you piece of crap. What do you want?" Levi demanded with irritation.

Eren looked back at the two with a crazed look in his eyes and a deadly smile. "I want to join the Scouting Legion, and kill every single titan in existence."

Levi's eyes seemed to gleam with amusement. "Not bad. Erwin, tell the higher ups that I will vouch for him."

Levi walked over and gripped one of the bars while giving Eren a deadly look. "Not that I trust him or anything. I just want to be around to kill him if he ever goes on a rampage. I don't think the top brass will disagree. I'm the only one who's fit for the job."

* * *

Levi and Erwin walked through the halls of the courtroom after they finished their talk with Eren. They were going over to talk to the other prisoner.

"That Metal Titan is suspicious," Levi began, "I don't trust it."

"I don't know if I could say the same," Erwin admitted, "However, what matters right now is finding if he has any motives."

"Well he certainly isn't gaining my trust," Levi remarked, "That thing bothered me after it willingly came with us to Wall Sina."

* * *

The Scouting Legion had their blades out as they surrounded the Metal Titan. The titans were eliminated from the city streets, but now they had to deal with a new kind of titan.

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