The Female Titan Part 1

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The Survey Corps continued to ride out of the gate through Wall Maria with Optimus right behind them. He suddenly heard rumbling as he turned his side-view mirror to see a rather large titan heading towards them.

"Ahead, to the left, a ten meter class!" Hanji shouted.

Optimus transformed into his bipedal mode and transformed his hand into a blade before decapitating the titan, cutting off the nape of the neck in the process.

Hanji smiled. "Looks like we're not having many casualties today. Supply team, collect the remains!"

"Got it!" a soldier said as he and a few others rod over to the body.

"I will go and protect the formation," Optimus informed before he transformed and drove off.

"Whoa," Sasha breathed as she watched the titan fall. She might actually get out of this alive.

"Pay attention!" a superior instructed as he turned her head forward.

Eren looked at his friends and fellow comrades as they paid attention to the fields ahead of them. He looked back to see Optimus transform into his alt mode.

"Sir Oluo, can my friends really defeat the titans?" Eren asked with worry.

"Huh?" Oluo questioned, "What have you been doing for the past month? Listen, brat, the most crucial part in the expedition is to avoid fighting tit-"

Oluo cut himself off as he accidentally bit his tongue.

Eren didn't say anything as he looked forward, not even asking if Oluo was alright. He took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves.

He hoped that this mission would be a success. With him and Optimus on the Scouting Legion's side they had a chance of making it out of Wall Maria alive. He hoped that whatever Optimus taught him would come to good use, if the situation led him to use his titan form. He hoped he was ready.

"Go into the long-range scouting formation!" Erwin instructed.

"See ya, Armin," Reiner said before falling behind.

"Don't piss your pants if a titan come and tries to kill you," Jean advised before falling behind as well.

"You too," Armin said.

Armin looked in confusion as Optimus was driving behind the Scouting formation. What was he doing?

* * *

"Optimus," Erwin began as he pulled out the scouting formation and laid it out on the ground, "I want o discuss with you about your position in the scouting formation."

Optimus looked at Erwin in his bipedal mode before transforming into his bipedal mode and activating his holoform.

"Why do you wish to discuss that?" Optimus asked.

"Hanji put in a theory that even if a titan shifter is in its titan form, the titans will still attack the titan shifter," Erwin explained.

"That theory is true," Optimus agreed, "Eren was attacked by titans in his titan form during the battle of Trost."

"The titan shifter wouldn't be able to survive outside of the walls, meaning the titan shifter will be coming from the walls," Erwin concluded, "So the back line is in danger of encountering the titan shifter."

"You wish for me to remain behind the formation to try and fight off the titan," Optimus assumed.

Erwin nodded his head.

* * *

Optimus knew that he had to keep his optics open. The titan shifter could be anywhere.

The titan shifter watched in the titan form as the Scouting Legion moved through Wall Maria. She had to get to Eren, but she had to be careful. That Metal Titan was the issue; however, she had to avoid him.

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