Welcoming Committee

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Mikasa woke up from her slumber on the ship to the sound of the horn and the smell of the sea. She sat up from her bed before walking out of her room and onto the bow of the ship. She looked above her head and saw the seagulls flying above, meaning that land was close by. She was almost home. She smiled and closed her eyes, feeling the wind on her face and in her hair.

"Hello, Lady Mikasa," Kiyomi smiled as she walked up to the teen, "I assumed that you slept well."

"I did," Mikasa nodded in response, "Thank you."

"You must be excited to return home," Kiyomi remarked, "And the Emperor gave Optimus two extra weeks instead of one. How generous."

"This feels like a bribe of some kind," Mikasa proclaimed.

Kiyomi sighed. "It's not. I'm always excited to show someone my home. I was just hoping that this trip fixed any pre-conceived notions you had about me and Hizuru."

"Notions?" Mikasa questioned.

"I'm not all about money," Kiyomi declared, "Money is a huge part in this, but I do carry the pride of my homeland with him. We do what we must to survive in these times, but meeting you and getting to know you made me feel like our nation could be restored to our former glory."

"Thank you for the compliment," Mikasa said, "But I would still like to focus on Paradis for the time being."

"I understand," Kiyomi nodded.

Mikasa looked on ahead and quietly gasped. She could see the outline of the island inching closer and closer. She narrowed her eyes to see Historia waving to her, along with some military officials at her side. She...she was here. She was home!

Mikasa couldn't contain her excitement as the ship arrived at the port. She didn't realize how homesick she truly was until she arrived. The walkway from the ship to the port opened up, and Mikasa ran down it, much to Kiyomi's insistence for waiting.

"Mikasa!" Historia called out as the Ackerman ran up to her. Historia met her halfway and hugged her, and Mikasa didn't seem to mind at all, giving her a small hug in return.

"I'm home," Mikasa declared.

"Welcome back!" Historia smiled brightly, "How was Hizuru?"

"It was beautiful," Mikasa answered, "And I was able to get Optimus two extra weeks to contact his home."

Mikasa expected Historia to be elated by the news, but she seems...confused by her response.

"What's wrong?" Mikasa asked, "That's good news. Optimus has more time."

"Megatron didn't tell you?" Historia asked her.

"Tell me what?" Mikasa asked.

Everyone jolted as a loud explosion was heard in the distance, causing the ground to shake under them. Mikasa saw a large cloud of blue smoke rising up in the distance. Mikasa threw her hat aside and made a mad dash for the weapon's room in the port.

"Wait, Mikasa!" Historia called out as she ran after her.

"What is going on?!" Kiyomi exclaimed.

"Apologies, Lady Kiyomi," Pixis spoke as he walked up to her, "We've recently acquired some new guests."

"Guests?" Kiyomi demanded as she gestured to the explosion.

"One of them really likes explosion," Pixis explained.

Meanwhile, Mikasa managed to get her 3D gear and energon spears on in record time before mounting a horse and riding it away from the port. She drew closer and closer to the sight of the explosion. She gasped when she saw a white metal titan rolling out of the smoke with two duel wielding blades. Her instincts kicked into overdrive as she jumped into the air aimed her spear at the white titan.

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