Experiments Part 2

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Megatron snuck back into the Marley compound in his holoform. He climbed up the wall and through an open window before moving down the hall to sneak back into his room. The one down side about the holoform was that it couldn't be reactivated in a place that he cannot visually see. So he would have to activate the holoform outside the compound and then go back to his room.

Megatron picked the lock to his room and opened it before slumping down to the floor. By the Pits, he hated this.

Megatron then grabbed the bandage he left abandoned before deactivating the holoform last night and tied it once again. He hated having to do this, but if it kept the illusion that he was human, so be it.

The titan finished tying it before laying down on the floor. He turned his attention to the bed and growled. Those things were just too soft; it felt so uncomfortable. He looked up at the ceiling before closing his eyes in thought. He had the day off, but he couldn't use it to give weekly updates to Paradis. At least not at the moment, so...what should he even do in this situation.

Megatron reached under the bed and pulled out his bag. He stuck his hand in there and pulled out some cash. He remembered seeing a bookstore in Liberio. He could go there and buy some in order to learn more about Marley.

Megatron groaned in irritation as he sat up. He was going to need an escort. The titan grabbed the staff and stood up, making sure to continue pretending to be injured.


"H-he did what?" Falco stuttered in shock.

"He managed to hold his own against the mutated titan," Porco repeated, "Barely, according to the dirt from some of the Commanders I overheard. They made me and Colt along with a few others clean up the mess."

"That's so cool!" Gabi exclaimed with excitement.

"I've never heard of someone holding their own against a titan," Zofia admitted.

"We have to ask him about it!" Gabi exclaimed, "Where is he?!"

Falco noticed Matthew walking out of the compound with a staff in hand and Reiner and Pieck by his side.

"Leaving?" Falco questioned as they all saw the three leave the compound.


Megatron grumbled to himself as Reiner and Pieck accompanied him to the bookshop. This was completely ridiculous. He had to be accompanied because Magath didn't trust him. And it looked like it would be this way for a while.

"Cheer up, Matthew," Pieck smiled as he noticed his irritation, "At the very least you have days off."

"This is not a day off!" Megatron exclaimed, "This isn't even a fucking escort! The two of you are making sure I don't 'escape'!"

"I'm sorry that we have to do this," Reiner apologized.

Megatron took a deep breath and sighed. "Whatever. I just want to go to the bookshop and back to the compound I call my prison."

Megatron noticed the glares directed at the trio, but he realized they were more focused on Reiner and Pieck. "I also could've asked Marleyan soldiers to take me."

"It's just a quick walk," Pieck reassured.

Megatron noticed someone behind him grabbing an empty bottle and getting ready to throw it at an unfocused Reiner. He continued on without suspicion as the person threw it. Megatron casually caught the bottle before it hit Reiner. He then tossed it back in the direction of the human, hearing it hit the ground and someone yelling.

"What was that?" Pieck asked as she and Reiner looked back.

Megatron looked back and saw two men looking at him in shock. "Beats me."

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