The Ritual

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Zeke was called in the next morning. He was tired, and irritated, but he couldn't say no. And for some reason, he had a feeling that this was urgent. He entered the science facility, and was practically forced to stay awake as scientists and generals were practically running around in a panic, trying to make sense of data and the current situation. Which no one told him about!

Zeke spotted Commander Magath and walked over to him as the man was yelling at another scientist.

"Sir," Zeke saluted.

"There's no time for formalities!" Magath shouted, "We are at risk of losing the Colossal Titan!"

Zeke had to take a couple of minutes to process that. "W-what?"

"Something happened," Magath explained, "The Colossal Titan is completely out of control! Some of our scientists are injured! Damn it, Calvi will kill me!"

Zeke froze in fear. "Commander, what did you do?"

Magath was terrified, but he tried to keep bravado and didn't respond.


"What is the meaning of this?" a voice spoke.

Everyone tensed in fear as they saw Calvi walking up to them with anger written on his face.


"I want an explanation," Calvi ordered, "Now!"


Paradis: Wall Sina

Optimus observed Hanji delicately creating the modified version of the thunder-spear in his bipedal mode. She managed to attach the wire of liquefied energon to the end of the metal before carefully before carefully placing it through the metal tube. She attached the wiring on the bottom of the dark metal tip before screwing the tip onto the tube. Hanji looked at her work and smiled.

"What do you think?" Hanji asked the Prime, "An energon powered thunder-spear. Should pack twice the punch when triggered."

"Does it not have the same issue as the regular thunder-spear?" Optimus asked.

Hanji sighed as she delicately placed the spear on the table. "It does. It still requires it to be launched at a short range. If the energon thunder spear is more reactive than the regular one, everyone would be caught up in the explosion if it's used. Maybe I could make the string longer so it give more time for the user to flee. But it could also give more time for the titan shifter to remove the spear from the location it was shot at. Maybe crushing it while trying to remove it will trigger an explosion."

"You've still done impressive work," Optimus praised.

Hanji smiled at the comment. "I really appreciate that, especially coming from you, but for the time being, the energon thunder spear won't be used. Just the regular thunder spear. Although, energon thunder spear sounds like a mouthful,"

"Perhaps energon spear works just as well," Optimus suggested.

"Energon spear it is," Hanji agreed as she packed the equipment away, "Let's head back to the camp site."

Optimus transformed into his alt mode and opened the door to the driver's seat. Hanji climbed inside and put on the seat belt before Optimus closed his door and drove towards Sina's gate.

"Any word from Megatron?" Hanji asked.

"No," Optimus replied, "I do believe his is still trying to negotiate a 'day off' away from Marley's Military base. If he succeeds, he should be able to come back to Paradis weekly."

"Oh what I would pay to see Megatron's struggling to pretending to be a human," Hanji smiled wickedly, "Sucking up to a boss and wanting to murder them at the same time. The ultimate dilemma for that jackass."

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