The Battle of Trost Part 1

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Members of the trainee corps sat on the roofs of the buildings. They were either praying to a God they didn't know or horrified by the fact that they were probably going to die here. However a few others were trying to do something about the situation.

"Hey, Jean!" Connie called out as he walked over to Jean, "What should we do?"

Jean just sat there looking down on the roof. "There's nothing more we can do." He looked up at Connie and put one hand on his head. "They finally issued the order to retreat, but without more gas we can't climb the walls. So we're all going to die, because of those cowards."

"The supply team, what happened to them?" Connie demanded. "Were they wiped out?"

"They're too terrified to move." Jean answered without much care, "I can see why, but abandoning their mission to resupply us, to hide in HQ? That's unbelievable. And sure enough, the Titans have swarmed them, so we can't go get more gas."

"Then we must take a chance!" Connie yelled, "And try to destroy the Titans swarming HQ! We won't be any worse off than just sitting here. The Titans will be here before long! And if we keep running, we'll just waste the gas we have. Without the use of Maneuver Gear, we really are done for!"

"I'm surprised you're using your head for once, Connie." Jean remarked, "But do you really think we can do that, given our numbers here? Most of the veterans in the vanguard were killed. Which of us trainees could lead a suicidal mission like that?"

Jean looked around to see his fellow comrades depressed. Some of them crying to themselves. "Well, even if someone could, we can't fight the Titans. I bet the gas supply room is chock with 3 to 4 meter class Titans. Obviously we can't refuel with them around."

Connie widened his eyes before he gave of a sad expression as well. "So were doomed?"

Jean sighed in irritation, "What a stupid life. If I'd known this would've happened I would've told them."

"Come on guys!" Sasha tried to encourage her comrades, "Let's do it! If we work together we'll be fine. I'll take the lead."

No one said anything. How could they go and continue to fight the titans after watching their comrades die? The way they ate humans, those terrifying smiles, they were horrified.

Sasha was about to continue, but heard loud footsteps in the distance. She turned around to see what it was and widened her eyes in horror.

Sasha began to stutter trying to get people to look in her direction. Jean noticed this and sighed. "Sasha, if this some kind of joke-"

"It's the-th-the -t-" Sasha kept stuttering as she pointed in the direction she was looking at.

"Spit it out already!" Connie yelled.

Jean looked in the direction Sasha was pointing and widened his eyes. Armin was coming in their direction with his Maneuver Gear, but behind him was a...

"It's the Armored Titan!" Jean yelled.

All of the trainees began to panic and scream as they saw the Titan running towards them.

Armin looked over to see his comrades freaking out as he practically flew over to them.

"Over there." Armin told Optimus as he made a turn.

Armin landed on the roof while Optimus skidded to a stop behind him.

"Armin, get away from that!" Jean yelled as he went to grab his blade.

"Jean, stop!" Armin instructed, "He's not the enemy!"

"How can you be so sure?" Reiner demanded as he stepped forward while everyone was stepped back, "He's a Titan! Titans eat humans and nothing more!"

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