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April 16th | 10 am

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April 16th | 10 am

    Alora sat first class beside her son, Amari who was fast asleep. She glanced down out the window looking back at the place she liked to call her home away from home, Atlanta.

With all the negatively that was going on in her life she was more than ready to get back home. Even if that meant going back to the one place she left the first chance she got.

Alora shut her window curtain, trying to get as comfortable as she could for the next two hours. She fiddled with her iPad opening Netflix to her latest show to watch for the ride.

Three and half episodes of Blacklist later, the plane had landed and first class passengers were being let off the pane. She gathered the few things she had for her son then placed them in her bag before grabbing his hand to exit the plane.

"Ma, we go Safi house." her son asked, walking down the jet bridge.

"Yes baby." she answered. "Hold mommy hand tight.  It's a lot of crazy people around here these days." she scanned the area a bit paranoid.

It was survival trait she was raised with but she did it more out of habit. Her mommy instincts were in full effects as they walked through the airport. She occasionally looked down checking on Amari, making sure she wasn't walking to fast for his little leg to keep up.

When she exited the airport she scanned the pickup area for a family member, unsure of who was on pick up duties for the day. Aloras search stopped at the sight of a black tinted Range Rover with her twin brother Amir posted up against it fiddling with his phone.

"Amir!" she called out, waving her her arm in the air trying to get his attention.

He looked up, smiling in her direction. He quickly slipped his phone in his pocket before jogging towards them.

"Twiiinnn." he held his arms out for a hug, she did the same embracing him in a tight hug.

The longer they hugged the more she realized she missed him more than she had thought. She could've stood there in silence for forever in his embrace.

"Mir Mir!" Amari called out, cutting their little moment short.

Amir pulled away from her then squatted down to his nephew height. "Hey nephew, you been good for mommy?"

He shook his head fast with a smile. "Yes, I good."

"Thats good cause Uncle Safi and I have something for you back at the house, okay?."

Amari nodded as Amir lift him from the ground then carried him towards the car. "Ight, lets get in the car cause its hot as shit out here."

"Amir, ya mouth !" she popped him in the back of the head.

He frowned. "I'm not ya kid, dont pop me."

"Boy I dont care." she flagged him off. "You know not to curse around him. He'll be repeating it later on so watch it." she dwanked his forehead before getting in the passenger seat.

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