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(Don't be a ghost reader)

Brittany stared at Amir waiting for him to continue but he didn't. "Nigga tell me what happened."

"Ard so- Wait !" she cut him off. "Let me grab a snack." she didn't wait for a response before hopped up and making her way to the kitchen. "Want something?" she called out.

"Something to drink." he replied.

After a few more minutes Brittany returned with a big bowl of fruit and three waters. "Here, you can continue." she said passing him a water.

He cracked it open, took a few sip then closed it. "You know she lost her virginity to Rome right?"

"Wait yall knew that?" she asked a bit shocked.

"Mhm yea, she came to us. Safir didn't care about that though especially since it was a one time thing or supposedly."

"Alora, let's go !" Amir shouted from the living room. "Why does it take females forever to get dressed?" he asked Ariana.

"Mhm cause we actually care about our appearance." she answered.

"We only going to the mov-" he stopped mid sentence when this airy feeling washed over him. "Go check on her." his face had an worry expression and his tone was sternly.

"What's wro- haaaaaaaa!" the sound of Alora screams cut her off.

"What the fuck?" Ariana mumble as her ran towards Aloras bedroom with Amir on her heels. "Alora!" Amir called out as they entered her room.

"Oh my god !" she groan. "Oh my. It... hurts.. so .. bad."

They followed her voice to the connecting bathroom. Amir didn't waste no time kicking in her bathroom door. Poor Alora was crawled up on the ground holding her stomach as she tossed and turned; the bathroom floor was covered in blood. "It huurrttt."  She cried out.

Amir rushed to her side not caring about the messy floor. He was to concerned about Alora. As a man he had no idea what was going on with her. He had never seen no much blood come from a woman in his life, something was wrong.

He looked over to Ariana for answers since this was her area of expertise. She currently had an sponsorship with the hospital that would pay for her schooling and she also volunteer there too. She had to have some experience with what was currently going on.

"What's wrong with her ?" he asked Ariana, tears formed in the lining of his eyes. Amir was a hard body but when it came to Alora he was a softy. It pained him to see her in pain and he was unable to do anything.

Ariana almost didn't want to respond but she knew Amir wasn't going for that. If she was correct, she was sure Alora was experiencing a miscarriage but the thing was she didn't know Alora to be pregnant.

"Mhm ARIANA!" he shouted at her. She had zoned out, completely lost in her thoughts.

"U-Uh, w-with that amount of blood is almost impossible for a menstrual cycle." she stuttered. "We have to get her to a hospital. She might be miscarrying."

Amir head jerked back. "Pregnant?"

"I'm no- haaaaaaaaaaa fuck !" Alora screaming before she could object Arianas claims. The pain was unbearable, she could barely speak. "

"Fuck this shit." Amir scooped Alora from the floor while Ariana grabbed some towels and car keys. "Mir, it hurts so bad." she cried which made him begin to tear up.

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