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(Don't be a ghost reader)

Therapist Office
3:30 pm

Rome stared at the ceiling of the elevator as it moved up towards the fithteenth floor. He nervously tapped his fresh pair of forces against the floor. Safir stop across from him smirking, he had never saw Rome so nervous in his life.

"Nigga, relax ! All you doing is talking to the damn lady." he chuckled, finding amusement in Romes stated.

"Man, I'm trying! This shit feel...odd." Rome replied.

"Man, it ain't nothing wrong with it like how people think it is. Mental health is important and is not talked about enough. All seriousness Redz should've put ya ass in it when we were coming up." Safir said.

"But as an adult you gotta make the decision to either want to heal those old wounds or stay stagnant in ya own truma."

Redz did the best he could with the help of Mama Liz and K but for crying out loud the man was a trained killer. He didn't have that loving touch like a mother did and he wasn't a fan of therapy. The idea of discussing family business with a stranger just didn't sit right with him which went back to how he was raised. Mama Liz would always say whatever goes on in my house stays in my house and Redz instilled that into the upbringing of Rome.

Rome knew he shouldn't put off therapy another second but he was so caught up in the way he was raised he really couldn't help it. He had only learned recently the importance of his mental health and how his childhood traumas had spilled over into his adulthood. Therapy was the first step to his healing process.

"I definitely get that. I'm just nervous I guess. This shit new to me but I know it something I gotta make happen."

"That's understandable. I was the same way when I first started but when you realize the shit actually helps you'll be fine." Safir tried to give him some words of encouragement.

Safir was all for Rome seeking the help that needed. It was something they talked about for awhile but Rome was never ready to actually do it. Safir didn't know what brought on Rome decision to finally go but he was going to support him all the way through.

The elevator dinged as it came to an stop, the doors opened and the guys stepped off. Rome followed Safir down the hallway to the therapist suite. When they entered, the receptionist greeted Safir.

"Hello Mr.Diamond... and you are?" she asked, eyeballing Rome.

"Roman Knight, I have an appointment."

She nodded, typing away on the computer. "Have a seat and Dr. Cruz will be right with you." she pointed over the waiting area.

"Why are all the fine niggas damaged." she mumbled as they walked away.

Rome looked over at Safir who laughed. "Iont know if I should be offended or not." he joked.

"Fuck her." Safir laughed.

They continued to talk as Rome waited for his session to start. About ten minutes later Dr. Cruz exited her office and made her way over to them. "Hello Fellas, Safir how are you?" she reached for a hug.

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