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(Don't be a ghost reader)

"You don't mean that... Rome doesn't mean that," she said. Red chuckled, shaking his head from side to side. "You delusional Ma."

"Redz we fami-Bitch!" Redz had gripped his hands around her neck before she could finish her sentence. "Family?" he let out an devilish laugh. "Kiesha you wouldn't know family if it smacked ya dumb ass. You had a family! But you abandoned said family time and time again for the last 26 years! Or did you forget that part ?" his grip got tighter as he yelled in her face. Kiesha scratched at his hands but it didn't faze him.

"I allowed you to come and go as you pleased hoping maybe one day you'll stay. Maybe you'll see all the good things ya son had going on you'd want to be apart of his accomplishments. But you never did."

"R-R-edz," she managed to say. Again he ignored her. "You toyed with my son heart, feed him a bunch of bullshit and broke promises and now you wanna speak on family?" he titled his head, eyes pr through her. Bitch you out of ya rabbit ass mind. Your dead to us."

Kiesha gasped for air while Redz tightened his grip on her neck. She prayed like hell that someone would come around the corner and save her. She was to in shock to physically fight back or give an witty remark. See Kiesha had never been introduced to this side of Redz, she heard stories of but for the most part he was the laid back around her.

Redz and Kiesha relationship wasn't like K and KD. K knew the ends and out of KD personal life and business since they were teens. However for Redz and Kiesha it was the complete opposite, he didn't let her in on his business. Hell for a long time she didn't even know what his real business consisted of. Keisha didn't grow up on the block like KD and K, she mat Redz when she'd visit her father on weekends, or whenever school was out. Kiesha was a suburban girl that fell in love with a dope boy.

"P-pl-please." she struggled to say as she tap away at his hand. As she felt herself getting lightheaded Dess came turned down the hall, stopping in his tracks in shock. He thought Redz had put Kiesha out awhile ago because he no longer heard him cursing her ass out from the kitchen. He hesitated to react, he didn't know if he should walk the opposite way and act like he didn't see anything or stop Redz before he killed his baby mama. Dess saw Redz in action plenty of times, he definitely was seconds away from killing Kiesha ass.

"Mmhct she ain't gotta dead and get her ass beat all in the same day," he said to him. "Redz!" he shouted down the hallway. Redz blocked out Dess voice, focusing his energy on Kiesha. After everything she put myself and my son through I'd be doing the world a favor. He had so much hate for this women he had thought about six different ways he could kill her in the last ten minutes.

"She ain't even worth it," Dess said, grabbing Redz hands attempting to get him to release Kiesha from his grip. "Life beat her ass for the day.. and it will continue. God don't play about our family she gonna get hers." Dess spoke the truth. There wasn't a soul walking this earth in a better position after fucking them. Karma may have taken her time to catch up with the motherfucker but she always came around eventually.

Redz released Kiesha from his grip, she sled down the wall as the waterworks began. Redz shook his head in disgust. "Remember what the fuck I said." He said sternly before leaving her right on the floor.


"Ah fuck!" Alora whined as KD apply rubbing alcohol to the strachs on her face. "Chile hush," he said, ignoring her whines as he continued. "You know ya mama gonna wanna kill Kiesha ass when she see ya face." he shook his head. Due to Aloras light skin tone her bruises was extremely visible; a cuts over her eye, a few scrapes and bruises on the side of her forehead plus a gash on her chin.

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