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Later That Day
At Wild Ink

"How you like it ?" Safir asked, standing behind his client in the mirror.

"You snap every fucking time dawg." She smiled, twisting her leg back and forth trying to get a good look at it.

Safir smiled, admiring his work like he did with each tattoo he completed. He had a gift to draw, there wasn't anything a customer requested that he couldn't bring to life. He had been drawling since age 14, making his money at tattoo parties drawing for local tattoo artist that couldn't draw for shit.

"Let me take a picture though."

She nodded turning around. "Where you want me ?"

"Stand in the middle of the floor. Ima do a video then a few pictures."

She nodded following his directions. Safir grabbed his phone from the table as it began to ring. Ariana name flashed across his screen. He swiped up then proceeded to take some pictures and a video of his client.

When he was finished he exited the room so his client could get dressed. Once again his phone went off, Ariana was calling back. This time he answered getting an uneasy feeling because they always FaceTime and she had called back to back twice, something was wrong.

"What's up ma?" He answered.

"I'm not giving you shit ! Get the fuck outta my crib!" he could hear Ariana yell.

"Ariana!" he yelled through the phone. Again she didn't respond but he could hear her continuing to argue with someone. After a few minute the phone hung up. He immetdatly called back only to get her voicemail.

He quickly grabbed his keys of his desk and flew out of his office. "Ayo T reschedule my last appointment off the night. I gotta dip." he said walking towards the door.

Trina stop what she was doing, turning in the direction of Safir voice. She could tell from the sense of urgency in his tome something was wrong. "What wrong?" she asked.

He stopped at the desk. " I really don't know... just handle that for me." was the last thing he said before exiting the shop and hopping in his car.

Safir anxiety shot through the roof as he continued to call her phone only for her not to answer. He could only think of the possible danger Ariana was in. The thirty minute ride from South St to Uptown felt longer than usual as he sped through traffic trying to get to Ariana house as quickly as possible.

When he arrived at, he double parked in the middle of the street not giving a fuck about holding up the block. He quickly grabbed his gun from a secret compartment in the vehicle, giving it a quick scan; making the clip was full and the silencer intact before exiting and jogging towards her building.

Ariana lived on the second floor so instead of waiting for the elevator he took the stair, her apartment was right across from them. He could hear the ruckus from the apartment the moment he opened the door to the stairscase

He immediately went into survival mode not knowing what he was walking in on. The door was cracked, he slipped inside without anyone realizing quietly walking down the hallway.

"Get the fuck off me." He heard Ariana voice.

"Ariana .. sweetheart just tell me where the money is ! Your forcing my hand baby." Another voice tried to reason.
What the fuck is going on here he thought.

Safir turned the corner of the hallway, getting a view of the scene. Ariana was tied to a chair while a woman and man stood before her. He had to close his eyes and reopen them a few times trying to register the scene before him.

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