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(Don't be a ghost reader)

Rome anxiously awaited Aloras arrival, his leg bounced profusely as he stared up at the ceiling of Dr Cruz office. All morning leading up to this moment he thought about canceling their session. To Rome this session could possibly make or break the process they have made over the past few weeks.

See Cruz had a way with words, she asked the deep rooted questions that left you thinking. It was her job to dig deep but Rome felt like the deeper she may pry more of Aloras uncertain feelings may come about. Although their relationship was progressing he could tell she still hadn't forgiven him. He couldn't blame her but at the same time he'd be lying if he said he didn't feel some way.

"What's going through ya mind Rome?" Cruz asked. She had been watching him closely since he walked through the door. He was trying to keep calm but Cruz could tell he was a nerve wreck on the inside.

He ran his hand down his face then lent forward. "Man a lot. What if this shit end badly?"

"You said in our last session yall were in a good place so why would this end badly?" she said prepping her pen to write down some notes.

"Yea but rehashing the past something have a way of separating people more than bringing them together. Don't you think?"

"I think it depends on the situation. It's normal to feel the way you do but shake it off. You siking ya self out before we even start." she told him. At that moment there was a light tap at the door then it opened, Alora entered.

"Hey, how ya been?," she smiled, making her way towards Cruz. "I'm good. Thank you for joining us today." she embraced Alora in a hug before letting her take a sit next to Rome.

She sat quietly for a few minutes watching them interact with one another. Alora came in with great energy which she noticed calmed Rome once he hugged her. "You good? You feel tensed as hell." she titled her head to the side while her eyes examined him.

"Im fine now," he pulled her into another hug then kissed her forehead. Alora eyed him for a moment before taking a seat and turning her attention to Cruz. "Let's start with goals. Rome, you wanted Alora to be here today. Why? What do you hope to gain or change from this ?"

"Because I want to create a new us. I used to say I want us to get back to the old us but Iont want that. Neither one of us is in the head space we once were in, we're grown. " he said looking over at Alora who was literally gushing over this new and improved Rome. "We've definitely came a long way."

"Alora what about you? Why did you agree to come?"

"Before we start messing around we were friends like real friends but when our situationship went left our friendship kinda came to a halt. Grant we talk here and there but it's not nearly the same." she answered. "I want that Rome."

"I realized niether of you said anything about a relationship. Why?"

"Well you cant have a relationship without a healthy friendship," Rome said. "And like I told Alora if we decide to go there our friend should be solid."

Cruz nooded in agreement. "Okay, now to the nitty gritty of it all. Let's start from the beginning, Alora you technical started this whole situation right?"

She thought about it. "I mean yea."

"So when it started out you were okay with the situation then later rechanted?"

"No, I admit after we started sleeping together I developed feelings but I still was able to keep my feelings under raps. Rome was not," she pointed over at him. He tilted his head to the side, eyeing her from below. "Now Alora did you not drown the life guard shawty I was talking to?"

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