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Alora walked into her fathers office, instantly regretting it at the sight of her Uncle T, and brothers sitting around her father, this only meant trouble. She quickly tried to exit since nobody noticed she had entered or so she thought.

"Come here Alora." she heard her father say.

Fuck! She thought to herself as she quietly stomped her feet in place.

"Yes Daddy." she said, walking deeper into the room. "Hey Uncle T." she gave him a hug.

"Hey Baby Girl."

Alora scanned the room trying to figure out the reason for this little family meeting. She could never read her father but Amir face said it all. Something happened but she didn't know what.

"Mir what's wrong?" she asked.

"You know you had a tracking device on ya car?" he questioned.

"Wait, repeat that." Alora response in shock.

"When Uncle T picked up ya car he had his man scan ya car. I told him I thought it was odd that whenever you drove the Tesla something happened to ya car but not when you drove the Bentley." Safir explained.

"I sent it to one of my connects and found out the home of the tracker."

"Okaayyyy?" she replied, wanting him to continue.

"Basically he can track whoever tracking you." Amir explained.

"It pinged a brownstone in Atlanta." Her Uncle said.

She looked at her father waiting for him to say something. Tracker plus brownstone home in Atlanta equaled Monty. She was sure they didn't need here to figure that out. It was the why.

"Dad." she called out, looking at her father.

"Alora, Who could've put this on ya car ?" he questioned.

All eyes was on her; Safir looked at her as if he knew something she didn't, Amir sat with his gun on his lap as if the person she name was going to walk through the door for him to shoot. Her Uncle T and father stared at her waiting for an answer.

"M-Monty." She stuttered.

Uncle T frowned. "Ain't that nephew dad? Why would ya baby father want to mess up ya car? That's some bitch shit."

"Cus he a baby mama." Safir said eyeing Alora.

What the fuck do he know?

"Alora Karma Diamond." KD voice was strong and loud. Alora grew nervous, him calling out her full name only meant trouble. "Answer."

"Daddy I don't know what you want me to say." she shrugged. "If the tracker say Atlanta, Monty the only person that'll want to know my every move especially since the break up."

"I mean that makes sense. The tracker been live for almost a year." Uncle T told her father.

"When you were in Atlanta did this happen often ?" KD asked.

"A few times but I didn't think of it much cus it would happen to other people too." Alora shrugged. "I knew someone with a tire shop so it didn't cost me much."

Alora thought back to the time all four of her tired had gotten flatten. While she was at the shop Monty called her and offered to replace them. She almost bragged that getting new tires was nothing because she had a connect. The damage on her car had stopped after that.

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