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(Don't be a ghost reader)

8:00 pm

Laura heels echo through the halls as she stru in a fast pace towards room 402. She had tunnel vision, her only concern was making sure her son was alright. About two hours ago she received a call from the hospital that Monty had been admitted. They advised that she get there ASAP and that's exactly what she did.

All she could do since receiving that phone call is pray that things weren't that bad. She also couldn't help but think of the coincidence that almost a week later after taking to Alora something has happened to her son. She blamed herself, she should've dead Monty and Aloras relationship a long time ago. But she never thought in a million years he'd discover the truth .

Laura almost collapsed when she entered the room, seeing how Monty looked all bruised and bandaged nearly took to breathe out of her body. She couldn't do anything but hold his hand and cry.

Ciera watched the scene before her unfold in pure confusion. She couldn't think of anyone who would want to hurt her brother, at least in Philly that was.

Unlike her mother she held it together, wanting answers. He turned his head the opposite direction, aways from her prying eyes but that didn't stop her from asking.

"Who the fuck did this to you?"

When she didn't get a response she shifted her attention. "Ma you need to get them same people you use to knock off completion to handle this !"

Ciera words fell on deaf ears. Monty was to preoccupied wuth his own thoughts, plus his body was in excruciating pain he didn't not have time for Ciera and her twenty one questions. "If you.. not going to... shut up get out." He struggled to say.

She crossed her arms over chest, a frown appeared on her face. "You can barely fucking talk but I gotta shut up?" she turned to her mother. "Ma, you hear this crap? Call them people like you do for everything else."

Ciera grew irritated with both her mother and brother by the minute. She didn't understand how they could be silent at a time like this. Especially her mother.

"Ciera, let it go." Laura said in a low tone.

"So let me get this straight you jump when it has something to do with knocking off a competitor but silent when it comes to ya son?" she scrunched her face up as she looked at her mother in disbelief.

"They are who did this to him !" she shouted.

Ciera stood there shook, she had so much to say previously and now she was mute. Monty glanced over at Laura, he slowly pulled his hand away from her. "I never said who did it." he said.

Laura took a deep breath. "Ciera close the door." she didn't move, only stared at her. "Close the damn door girl!" she said, with more authority in her voice.

Ciera moved quickly shutting the door then taking a sit across from Monty's bed. "How did you know?" Monty asked again.

"I have a business relationship with a family; the Diamond Family. They're known for their unorthodox and ruthless ways. A few days ago the daughter of this same family came to pay me a visit- Whose the daughter?" Ciera asked, anxiously.

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