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(Don't be a ghost reader)

Later that night

The guys along with Brittany stood around the circular dining room table waiting for Mama Liz to cut up some of her famous cakes; apple jewish cake, 7up cake, lemon drop and peach cobbler.

"Ma, I know you made my personal peach cobbler." Redz said walking towards the table.

"Yea, your and Mus are in the kitchen." she told him.

"How Alora get a personal ?" Malik frowned.

"Cus she called me weeks ago asking for it."

"I'll be at her crib this week for a few slices," Amir said. "GMom , let me get a 7up and an apple jewish slice." she made his plate and handed it to him.

"Thank luv," he kissed her cheek.

"Dont be kissing on GMom. Nobody knows where ya month been." Brittany frowned at him.

Malik and Rome chuckled at the two, all day they had going back and forth. Mainly because Brittany found the need to have a smart remark for everything he did or said.

"Correction you know where my mouth ain't been and where it's at." he spat back.

"Now why you keep bother him?" Mama Liz questioned as she walked away from the table.

She shrugged. "I don't know."

"Yes you do. We all know why; y'all dealt with each other and now he doing with Trina probably what you wanted for ya self." Malik replied.

Brittany went to respond but Trina and Alora entering the house stopped her. "Lik, ya baby mama out front. She taking Mari and Leek for the night."

"Oh shit, I forgot she was coming. GMom slice me some 7up. I'll be back." he told her as he jogged to the door.

Alora walked deeper into the house. "Why it feel like so much tension in the air." she frowned looking around the room.

"Yea, it was a fun day. Why y'all so gloomy?" Trina asked looking at Amir.

"I'm straight. The annual Diamond and Knight fourth cookout was a success. I had a blast and I'll be ending my night with my future wife," he hooked his arm around Trina waist pulling her closer to him. "I couldn't be better." he smiled at her. She bent down and kissed him.

Brittany damn near gagged watching it unfold. All day she watched Amir be extremely gentle and affectionate with Trina. In her head he was only doing it on purpose because she had never saw him act like that with a female not even her.

In reality Amir was a new man. Trina brought out a side of him that no female has ever been able to. He was comfortable enough around her to be veranable.

"I'm pregnant," Brittany blurted out. No sooner as the words left her mouth she instantly regret it.

"Congrats." Amir replied, not understanding why she blurted that out.

Rome chuckled. This nigga slow as shit.

The room had gotten extremely quiet compared to how it was moments before. No one said a word, everyone just looking at each other with a shocking facial expression

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