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In honor of one of my very loyal readers birthday I'm updating for her .
Happy Birthday Boo🥳. ExperienceWithKay

Y'all better flood her page with birthday wishes and thank you cause if it wasn't for her I wouldn't have updated 🤷🏽‍♀️.

Moving forward each chapter
MUST HAVE 150 VOTES OR IM NOT UPDATING 🤷🏽‍♀️. Y'all better start acting like y'all want these updates.

🛑🛑🤚🏽 STOP & VOTE NOW ! 🤚🏽🛑🛑

Alora stood at the bar off to the corner of the office. She poured herself three shots of Dusse then drowned them all with no hesitation. She didn't know how she felt at the moment; killing was one thing quick and no mess. She'd pull a trigger without having to think twice about it but cutting body parts was a whole other ball game. The task alone was gruesome and messy. She thought she'd vomit in the process, instead she felt butterflies.

The screams of her victim brung her unexpected excitement, fueling her to keep going until she made two clean cuts leaving nubs behind. She attempted to fight the urge to continue. She had to keep reminding herself she's only sending a message. She couldn't do to much damage because she planned on releasing Laura eventually.

"I don't remember this Alora," Alexia teased, "You really grew over the last few years."

Alora rolled her eyes at Alexia sarcasm. "Girl bye, when we mat I was beating bitches faces in,"

"True but that's not the same as this here and you know it. I remember you telling me how you could never do half the shit ya family is known for now look at you.. living up to the family name." she smirked, taking the half full glass from Aloras hand.

Alora took a sip from the glass never leaving her eyes off Alexia before responding. "Because I have to not because I want to. If I could just continue minding my business and raise my son I would. I didn't think in a million years I'd be doing half the shit I've done these last few months but-."

"But behind family anybody can get it." Alexia finished her sentence. She knew how family oriented Alora was, no matter how much she tried to run from her family name there was nothing she wouldn't do for them.

"I get it. Trust me I do. It took a certain situation to activate that killer gene in you. I always knew you were capable of more than beating bitches faces in." she flashed a smile.

Alora let out a chuckle, as she rolled her eyes. "Monty tried my hand one to many times. I can forgive a lot of shit from him but once his put my child at risk it was over for him. And his mama should've put her child up on game before the thought of fucking me over crossed his mind." she shrugged, carelessly.

She didn't feel an ounce of guilt for her actions. Laura knew Alora and her family wasn't to be fucked with and instead of warning her child of the dangers to come early on she stood by while he dig himself into a hole with a devil.

"I still can't believe his moms knew who you were and still let a relationship happen between you two." Alexia shook her head in disbelief. "That makes two of us," Alora said before downing her drink .

Alora couldn't grasp Laura's way of thinking. If roles were reserved, as a mother she wouldn't want her child involved with herself. Laura had selfish motives from the beginning, Alora was waiting for the right time to teach her a lesson and the oppunity seemed to present itself now.

"What's on ya mind?" She asked, eyeing Alora .

"Nothing particular," she paused, returning back behind the bar for another drink. "I just miss my kid."

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