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With everyone out of the Diamond Estate the siblings rarely link as much. The Estate was like a mutual ground for everyone to meet up and kickback. Lately it seemed as if Alora barely saw her brothers which she hated. She felt like with her living closer to them she should've been able to see them at least twice a week so today she invited them out for food and drinks. Plus she wanted to pick their brains.

Alora, Safir and Amir sat at inside a booth of Aloras new favorite happy hour spot. She visited the establishment at least once a week, twice if her schedule allowed it. Alora sipped her Long Island fiddling with her iPad.

"Yall like this logo ?" she turned the iPad around for them to see.

"Nah, I like the jawn you sent me yesterday." Safir answered before biting into his sandwich.

"That jawn she put in the group chat that had a fluorescent blue background with the diamonds ?" Amir asked.

"Yea, Safir likes that one. Mommy do too." Alora added.

Safir took a sip of drink, washing down his food. "Yea, that one. You can do a photo shoot like you normally do with that background " Safir added.

"Let me know when you wanna do ya shoot. I'll hook it up with my mans. He the one the did Mari party photo last year."

"Definitely needs him," she nodded. "I'm looking at some time in July to shoot. See if he available please ."

"Gotchu sis," he nodded popping a fry in his mouth.

"Sooo Alora you wanna tell us what happened at Royal last week ?" Safir questioned.

Alora groaned, not wanting to really talk about it. When she planned this outing her fight was the last thing on her mind. As Safir stated it happened two weeks ago, she was past the little squabble that took place.

"I feel like y'all know what happened. Why y'all want me to run it back?" She looked between Safir and Amir taking a bite of her wings.

"We know what happened not why it happened. You ain't never been the type to go around bottle smacking bitches so what happened? Who was the girl?" Amir question.

Alora shrugged. "So basically I ran into the girl responsible for fucking with my car and beat her ass," she told them. "Even after beating her ass I still don't have a clue who she is or what's her beef. Like she was yelling after me like she knew me or something." she scrunched her face up.

"Yelling after you ? What you mean?" Safir question.

"When Chuck pulled me off her she said some about us Diamonds think we're untouchable until we get touched. Like bitch what does that even mean?"

Safir looked over to Amir wearing a frown on his face. "You thinking what I'm thinking ?" he asked him.

"Yea but I don't know. It could be just a hating ass bitch after Mu but that shit low key sound personal." He answered.

Alora knew she wasn't tripping. She felt something when the girl shouted those words like she had a personal beef with the family.

"Y'all think the family being targeted?" She questioned.

"Mu what exactly did she say ? And really think about it before answering." Safir said.

Alora took a big sip of drink then made a face as if she was really thinking. "You Diamonds get on my nerves .... like y'all invisible. No running around like y'all invisible until somebody get touched." she corrected herself .

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