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(Don't be a ghost reader)

Next Day
12:30 am

Alora tossed around in bed unable to get comfortable in bed. She found it weird that the night before she had the best sleep in awhile to now she couldn't fall asleep for shit.

"Ugh, fuck this shit." she huffed, scooting to the edge of the bed. She sat there for a moment, fiddling with her phone. Since she couldn't sleep she decided to bother Rome, she shot him a text.

As she waited for a response she got dressed, throwing on a t-shirt, body shorts and yezzy slides. She grabbed her weed box that held her pre rolls, lighter and a few edibles Carter got her earlier that day. Before leaving she checked her phone and noticed he didn't text back she just grabbed the key card he gave her yesterday and made her way to his room.

When she got outside his room she knocked twice, again no answer so she used her key card and entered.

"Roman!" Alora shouted walking down the hallway towards the living room area.

"I don't think I've ever heard anyone call him by his first name." a voice said.

Alora turned around to see Ny in the kitchen. "Cause he hates it and will curse you out over it." she laughed herself. "But where he is ? I texted him and knocked. You didn't hear me knocking ?"

Ny shook her head. "He left out, him and the guys are meeting up tonight. But no, I had my AirPods in. I only heard you cus one fell out."

"Ugh, okay tell him I stopped by." she turned to walk back down the hallway but Ny stopped her. "Wait, you don't have to go. Join me ?" she raised her glass for Alora to see.

Alora didn't hesitate to accept the offer. If she went back to her suite she would've been awake by herself, something she didn't want. Even though she came for Rome, she didn't have an issue with Ny company.

"Pour me up." she said walking towards her.

After an hour of drinking, two blunts and half of an edible the two were joking and talking like old time girlfriends. Alora thought it was weird how well they clicked given the situation. Ny was Romes current and she was technically his past but Ny didn't seem to have a problem with her being around.

Aloras phone ringing interrupted their conversation. "Yes Roman." she answered while sitting the phone up so she didn't have to hold it.

He frowned at her, not liking how she called him by his first name. " Nigga play with ya moms not me but you called me. You good?"

"I'm.. I'm fine," her words slurred a little bit. Ny giggled in the background. "I mhm.. I mhm can't-."

"You fucking high ashit with them low as eyes." he said getting a good look at her face. "Fuck you drunk?"

"I had wine." she showed him the empty bottle. "I know ya ass ain't finished that whole bottle." he said looking at it.

She laughed. "No, Ny had helped,"

"Ny helped?" He questioned, Ny popped her head in the camera. "Hey Rome." she smiled, waving at him.

"Wait, when y'all link up?" he asked, confused.

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