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(Don't be a ghost reader)

"Mama Liz ?!" Alora entered Mama Liz residence carrying a handful of groceries. She was surprised by the loud music that filled her ears, Liz don't even play like that. She glanced around the living roon until her eyes fell upon Morgan who stood in the middle of the dinning room blunt in hand swaying her hip to the beat of Kali "Area Codes.

"Got a nigga, yeah, he from the trap. He low-key, he stay off the map. Anytime I need some money, he say pull up. Cause it gotta be cash. Pushed up, he designered down. He like, "Bae, you ain't ever around." she rapped. The scene before let her know there wasn't an adult in sight. Morgan wouldn't dare be blasting this type of music let alone smoking in her grandmothers home.

Alora placed the groceries on the living room floor then made her way to the oversized speaker on the other side of the room. She wanted to laugh and join in since this was one of her favorite songs out right now but the fact that she'd been in the house a good two minutes and Morgan hadn't flinched once irriated her. If she was a burglar her ass definitely would've gotten got. She was lacking bad and Alora didn't like that at all.

"What nigga Rome putting in the dirty cause you not supposed to have no nigga from the trap," Alora finally spoke after yanking the speaker cord from the wall.

Morgan quickly spun around eyes wide, cheeks full of smoke wearing a shocked expression on her face. She was busted and she knew it. She and Alora exchanged glances for what seemed like forever, the smoke began to burn her throat. She started to cough uncontrollably. "Dummy!" Alora rolled her eyes at Morgan while she went to retrieve the bags. "Bring the rest of those bags out of my car Morgan." she said before disappearing down the hallway.

Morgan cursed herself, she didn't realize the music was so loud she couldn't hear anyone come in. In a way she was kinda relieved it was Alora and not Mama Liz or Rome because if it was she'd be picking herself off of the floor right about now. Alora on the other hand had more leanitcy with Morgan but her vibe at the moment didn't reflect that at all. Lately Alora mood were unpredictable, the slightest thing set her off. The longer Mari was gone the more unpredictable she became.

As asked Morgan with the help of Ariana had brung in all of the groceries from the car to the kitchen. Alora had already put away the few bags she brung in and sat quietly at the kitchen table with a glass of wine and a bottle in front of her.

"Alora, why you do the food shopping this mouth? Rome unusual does it." Morgan said placing the bags on the counter. She sipped her drink before responding. "Iont know, I'm doing him a favor since he and the guys had to fly out for a client." she answered.

"Fly out for a client?" Morgan frowned in confusion, she knew from eavesdropping on Mama Liz and Redz last conservation the guys were in Atlanta and it wasn't for a client "I mean M-Ouch !" Ariana purposely stepped on her foot keeping her from finishing her sentence. Alora glanced over at the two. "Morgan, you good?" she asked concerned.

"Yea, I just hit a foot," she lied, side eyeing Ariana irritated at what she just did. The pain damn near took her breath away. "Shut up." she mouthed.

Ariana was aware the guys fly out to Atlanta in hopes of bringing Mari home but Alora was not. Nobody wanted to get her hopes up then have to deal with the fallout if things didn't go as planned. Alora would most likely flip the fuck out if she knew her family was keeping her in the dark but it was better that way.

"You'll be fine. You should be floating with that L you just had." Alora said, tilting her head to the side as she eyed her. Morgan face dropped, she looked flushed as Ariana begin to laugh. "Child i dont care you smoke just don't be copping from anybody." she followed up.

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