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Nique and Von found themselves playfully horsing around in her room. He stole a few kisses as he tickled her. She was on cloud nine at the moment still shocked that her father welcomed him with open arms instead of a bullet.

Amidst the laughter, she couldn't help but inquire about how he approached her father. "You and my dad, spill."

He chuckled, revealing, "Actually, I've been working for your grandfather for years. JD put me and Dre in contact."

Her eyes widened in surprise at this unexpected revelation. "You work for JD? Doing what exactly?"

"I handle the distribution in Philly and Miami." he answered.

"You don't do the wet work?" She asked, knowing how things can get. Hell her cousins were hit men for her family. She needed to know how high up in rank he was.

"Honestly not unless necessary." He answered, hoping his line of work didn't sway her feelings for him. He was actually feeling her plus she was the first girl who could actually understand the lifestyle .

As their conversation delved into this revelation, the tranquility was disrupted by the persistent ringing of her phone. She hesitated, initially declining the call, as she was eager to further the surprising details. However, the caller remained persistent.

Both Nique and Von looked over as the phone continued to ring. Von inquired, "Mecca? It might be important," he suggested, curious about the unexpected call from Alora's ex.

Recognizing that if Mecca was calling back, he likely had found something crucial, Nique decided to answer the call. "Get something for me?"

"Hit me on a secure line. I'ma send you my burner. What I got to say can't be said on this line," he stated before abruptly hanging up.

Nique let out a deep sigh, a sense of foreboding settling in. Sprinting to her closet, she retrieved a burner she always kept handy for moments like these, promptly dialing Mecca.

"Tell me something good," she urged as he answered.

"I wish. Tiffany Grant is Kiesha. Those rumors weren't rumors. I got what I could on short notice," he revealed.

Nique felt her heart plummet. Pacing in her closet, she demanded, "Find out everything on that bitch like yesterday!"

"Already on it. I should have more information by the time y'all get back."

"How the hell am I gonna tell my family this shit," she exclaimed, rubbing her temples and pacing the floor.

"I really wish I hadn't heard that," Ariana entered the closet slowly. "Do you know what this means?"

"Mecca, send everything through an encrypted file. I'll hit you when I get back in the states." Without waiting for his response, she disconnected the line and proceeded to destroy the phone.

"I hate to ask, but what the hell was that about?" Ariana questioned. "Tiffany is Kiesha? What did Mecca mean by that?"

"Stop with all the damn questions. I'm still tryna wrap my head around this shit," Nique flopped down on the couch.

"About a week ago while we were out, this guy was following us. We approached him, and he started asking about a Tiffany Grant. Showed us a picture and everything. At first glance, I knew exactly who the person was, but I needed to confirm it. Tiffany is Kiesha."

Eyes widening in shock, Ariana inquired, "As in Rome's deadbeat mother?"

Nique nodded. "Turns out the guy is her son. Rome has a younger brother. Kid looks like he's in high school, maybe a senior," she took a guess.

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