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Marco couldn't take much of his mother's theatrics and wasn't about to fight his way out of the front door either. Instead he slipped through the garage which is attached to the kitchen. By the time Tiffany had realized where he had gone, he was pulling out of the driveway before she could make it out the front door.

"Hey Siri call Chell." Marco spoke to his iPhone while keeping his eyes on the road.

"Calling Chell mobile," Siri replied, dialing her. After a few rings she picked up. "Make it quick I'm at work."

"Great, I need a suite for a couple of days." he said. Given Marco age he couldn't book an hotel on his own but luckily he had a friend that would over look that small requirement.

"Get here quick, my supervisor has stepped out for a minute. I can do it while he's gone." She replied.

"Bet, see you soon." He disconnected the call, focusing back on road.

As he drove towards the hotel Marco mind drifted off to the brother he never mat. Tiffany really robbed him of a sibling. He couldn't help but think of how different his upbringing may have been with an older sibling especially Rome. Marco did a mini recon oof his own on Rome when he thought he was someone Tiffany was having an affair with. From his instagram he learned Rome was a talented tattoo artist, and well respected member of his community. He seemed to have a decent upbringing despite having an absent parent.

Marco could only imagine the things Rome would have been able to teach and help him with over the years. The idea of having a sibling was always something Marco wished for but his parents would always say they were one and done. The irony in that when Tiffany knowingly had an older child this whole time.

How the fuck can someone abandon their own, he thought pulling into a parking spot.

Marco gathered his duffel bag from passenger seat then exited the car, making his way to the front entrance. When he entered the hotel it was empty but that was expected given it was 9 at night. "Welcome, how can i help you tonight." Chell, his friend greeted him as if they didn't know each other.

He chuckled, reaching into his pocket to retrieve his wallet. "I'd like to get a room for 3 nights."

She cheesed hard trying to keep herself from laughing. "Not a problem. Card and ID please."

Marco removed his fake ID along with his credit card, handing her both. "Here"

It took her all of five minutes to run his card, take a copy of his ID and print his room keys. "Enjoy your stay." She handed him back his cards.

"I will," he said walking away from the counter and towards the elevator.


Once Marco settled into his hotel he immediately got on his laptop to finish what he started the day he purposely approached Morgan in public. He had cloned her phone that day allowing him to at the moment hack into it. However what normally would be an easy hack quickly be fired. Somehow Morgan hacked into his MacBook, taking over his entire laptop. He could override her with a simple code but it didn't look as if she was doing any harm. Instead she called herself on his laptop.

"Why you trying to hack me?" she said almost immediately when the call connected.

"You have answers and I need them," Morgan attempted to speak but he cut her off. "Before you deny knowing anything I already know Rome is my brother."

There was a heavy silence on the call. Morgan turned the audio call into a FaceTime call. "You two do look alike." she eyed him closely.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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