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"I'm hommee," Tiffany sung, entering the vestibule of her home. She immediately locked eyes with her second born Marcellus, giving him a warm smile while he returned a blank stare with a nod. "Wsp ma,"

Tiffany frowned, expecting more excitement given how long she had been gone. Placing her bags on the bench in front of her, she spoke. "I been gone 3 months and that's all I get is an "wsp ma"." she mocked him,

"I know you missed my last game of the season you don't have to remind me." Marc replied, nonchalantly.

She paused, palming her forehead. That was not the response she had expected at all. "Fuck! I'm sorry baby,"

Marc stared down the stairs at his mother completely unmoved by her apology. She jogged up the staircase to where he stood, taking his hands into hers as she continued to speak. "So much was going on, I completely forgot. I promise Ima make it up to you." she promised.

"Actually it's no need," He gently pulled away, walking backwards up the stairs.

Tiffany smiled, thinking for a second she was off the the hook until he continued. "I don't need more sneakers, clothes or a car. I need a mother." quick on his feet he turned himself around jogging the rest of the way upstairs.

"Fuck!" she smashed the palm of her hand into her head repeatedly as she slouched down the railing onto the stairs.

She had fucked up once again but this time with Marco. The one child who didn't ask much of either parents; just to be front row at all his games for the past season. While Leo made it his business to always be front and center Tiffany had excuses. Either she forgot or her flight was delayed so she couldn't make it although she knew his game schedule before leaving.

Leo, her husband of the past 20 years appeared at the bottom of the stairs, completely unaware of his wife's presence in the home.

Seeing her on the staircase kind of caught him by surprise. "Baby, when did you get in? Why do you look sad?" he inquired, unaware of his son and wife recent exchange.

Tiffany run her hands over her face before rising to her feet, making her way down the stairs towards him. "I just got in not even five minutes ago and ya son already letting me have it!" she whined.

"I mean you did miss his last game of the seasons," Leo shrugged, coming to Marco defense.

As far as he was concerned Marco feeling were valid. How didn't Tiff see that?

"I called you, left voicemail after voicemail reminding you and you still didn't show."

She smacked her teeth towards, she hadn't listened to not one of those voicemails because she thought Leo was cursing her out about not being home. She had it all wrong.

"Ughhh," she groaned, pushing past him to go into the kitchen.

Leo followed, he wasn't done with the conversation. He was curious to know what had her attention that she forgot their sons last game. Leo was at the point in their marriage where he didn't care what Tiffany did long as she was present for the important events involving Marc.

He watched Tiffany move around the kitchen, grabbing a glass then a bottle of wine from the shed. She needed something to calm her nerves. A blunt whenever been prefect but wine was the only thing she had access to at the moment.

She placed the bottle of wine on the counter after filling her glass. "I know I fucked up and I'd do anything to change that but is he really holding a grudge from something that happened months ago?"

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