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(Don't be a ghost reader)

Monty head jerked in the opposite direction as he  looked at his mother from the corner of his eye. "I'm not going anywhere."

Ciera shook her head, taking a seat of the edge of her bed. "So Mom would you like me to handle funeral arrangements?" she said in a sarcastic tone but she was very serious. "I say Neal can make his tux, same church ya husband services were held?"

"Ciera this ain't no joke!" Laura said sternly.

"You right but ya son seems to think it is," she replied pointing at Monty.

"No I think y'all blowing this out of proportion. If they wanted me dead I'd be dead already I know this." he said, nonchalantly. He had no idea the bucket of worms he opened when he targeted Alora.

"See son if we were talking bout KD, your very correct. But we're not," Laura said.

"I bet ya little sister didn't tell you about JD," Ciera said, crossing her arms over her chest, the look on Monty face confirmed. "JD is Alora grand father. Nigga ya baby mama is like crime royalty if you really think about all the shit her family is into."

"How the fuck you know this shit?" Monty questioned.

"No the question is why don't you know this shit !?!?" Laura shouted in his face, followed by smacking him upside the head again. "You running around town with that damn girl and she only telling you bits and pieces about this family!"

"Monty you may have been spared by her father but the final decision lies with JD. Nobody targets that family and just gets off scott free. It doesn't matter how you may be linked."she said, referring to him fathering Mari.

"Monty there's a reason I've used that family after all these years. They're good at what they do. They have the ability to make a crime scene look like whatever they want; suicide, home invasion, car accident and police wouldn't even think twice about it."

Monty didn't reply, he just stood there with a blank stare. "Cat got ya tongue huh?" Ciera chuckled.

"Ciera why-." the door bell going off cut Laura off. "Ciera get the damn door."

She shrugged as she sled on her Yezzy slides then made her way down the stairs. "Cominnngg!" she shouted when her foot hit the last step.

Before opening the door she checked the peephole. "I know you fucking lying." she mumbled to herself as she pulled her hair in a ponytail.

Without another word Ciera swung the door open with one hand and hit Nina with the other. The force of the hit caused Nina to stumble a little, her hand dabbed at her lip once a stinging feeling. When she saw the blood on her finger tips she charged at Ciera pushing her into the house.

Ciera wasn't that much of fighter, she knew a little something from Alora teaching her but neither was Nina given Alora whooped her ass a few months ago. However Ciera had this rage towards Nina for putting her nephew in harms way. She didn't give a fuck who Nina was supposed to be to her, she didn't know the bitch. And instead of getting to know her own family she tried to ruin someone else. Ciera had no respect for Nina.

Nina grabbed onto Ciera ponytail with one and swing with the other. Instead of going for Nina's hair Ciera used both of her hands to swing and punch on Nina. Alora always told her pulling hair was a waste of time; face and body hits only.

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