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(Don't be a ghost reader)

A week later

Safir had been dragging out Nick death all week; each day he'd come beat his ass, torture him a little then leave. He planned to make Nick suffer just like he did him years before. He had no mercy for the man he once called dad, only vengeance. His mother would still be alive if Nick wasn't such a coward. He didn't even give her the opportunity to explain herself which made him even more angry. A lot of confusion could've been cleared up had Nick just spoke up.

"K-ki-killing me ... ain't gonna.. bring Raven back." Nick managed to say.

Safir cocked his fist back, using all the strength in his body his fist sled across Nicks face. He hit him so hard a few teeth flew from his mouth. "Don't ever speak on my mother when she's gone because of you." he pointed his index finger in Nicks face.

"Me ? She's gone because she lied !" he shouted.

"Nick your a hypocrite ! How many times did you cheat on my mother ? Lied?" he questioned. Nick went silent, turning his head the opposite direction. "And you're mad she had a baby with someone else while y'all weren't together?" he frowned. "Make this shit make sense cause it doesn't. You can't take what you dish out is all I'm hear." Safir shrugged.

He made his way to a table a few feet away that held different type of blades, pliers, two different guns and some other supplies. He picked two large blades and made his way back Nick.

"W-what you doing?" he stuttered, looking at the large blades in fear.

"Playback." Safir smirked.

Using the blades he made incisions about an inch deep all over Nicks upper body; chest, back, arms. Cut after cut blood slowly dripped from each slit made, Safir continued until his body was markup with incisions. He followed up with rubbing salt in the open wounds causing Nick  to scream in agony. agony daddy yes

In evil smile appeared across his face. He was enjoying the this moment more than he was expected. He waited years to be able to inflict the same if not worse pain he had endured at the hands of Nick. 

"You don't wanna take accountability and you dont wanna give up information on the attack of my sister. You sure you dont know anything about that Nick?"

His head hung low, in defeat but he managed to shook it no. "Well i think your a fucking liar so you know how that goes." Safir shrugged, nonchalantly.

"I couldn't sworn Unc said kill the nigga already."Dess said, slowly walking into the light eating a bagel.

Rome looked over him. "Nigga how the fuck you eating looking at this shit?" he pointed to the gruesome scene before them.

"You forget I do this shit for a living," he took another bite as he examined Nick current state. "You might wanna sprinkle more over here and you consider pulling the nigga finger nails out?"

"Looks like left hand completed." Rome pointed to the nails that laid on the floor underneath his chair.

"Hand me the pliers," Dess held his hand out for them as he shoved the last piece of bagel in his mouth.

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