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(Don't be a ghost reader)

Alora entered the building of Monty family business; Smith Enterprise. The family owned a fair share of Atlantas real estate and their business only grew by the day. Smith Enterprise was one of the top competitors in the state of Georgia. Unlike most companies in the area they didn't just focus on building and selling high-raise apartment complexs but also had a hand in most of the real estate in urban neighborhoods.

For years Laura bought abandon homes in the hood, fixed them up then either renting it out or sold it back to the people in that same community. She believed in helping her people gain ownership. She had put together a whole department dedicated to providing black minority with the right resources to become homeowners. Alora loved that idea, she was always for things that brought her community together.

She love the company and what it stood for so much that volunteered on her free time throughout her college years. She learned the ins and outs of Monty family business to the point Laura gave her an opportunity to own a piece of the company once she and Monty were engaged. It was sad how a company that had so much potential was owned by a couple of crazies. Alora hated what she was about to do but it had to done.

"You ready Ma?" Mecca asked as they stepped off the elevator. "I ain't got no choice but to be," she shrugged. "Monty took something from me so it's time I took something from him."

They walked towards the receptionist desk, Alora peeped her name tag Lilly. She gave her a warm smile as she approached. "Hello Lilly, I have a meeting with a uhh Mr.Smith I believe his name is."

Lilly started to type away at the computer screen. "Can I get a name?"

Alora giggled, placing her hands over her chest. "Oh I'm sorry, maybe I should've lead with that. Carmen with a C, Julez."

"It's okay," Lilly returned a warm smile as she continued to type away. Alora knew she was checking Monty schedule . "I do see you have a meeting with Mr. Smith today but it's says here he's out of the office today," she frowned. "Why didn't Lex contact you to cancel?" she said mumbled to herself.

"Ughh, is there someone else available I can speak to who would be briefed on Mr. Smith cases? I literally flew in just for this meeting." Alora explained with frustration in her tone.

"I'd like to apologize for the misunderstanding. I can see his partner is available. I can put you down to speak with Alexia Bandz. Is that alright?" she asked.

"Yes, of course,"

"Okay. Give one moment to get your badges then you'll be on your way." she scan two blank badges activating them then handed them over to Alora. "Have a good one!"

"Thank you!" Alora smiled, walking away.when they got back to the elevator Mecca stared at Alora in confusion. "Carmen Julez?"

She laughed. "Yup, I had Uncle T hack into his schedule and put her in for a meeting. I'm pretty sure if she ran my name security would be escorting my ass to the door."

The elevator door open, Mecca stepped to the side letting Alora on first then followed behind her, pressing the button for their floor. "Your Damn straight about that. Ole girl must be new because you shouldn't have made it out the front desk if we being honest."

"Your right about that," she paused. "I'm hungry."

"Nigga I asked if you wanted something before I came. This the wrong time to be thinking about food." he frowned at her. She ignored him. "I think I want slutty vegan. We can go after this." Mecca didn't reply, only shook his head at her. "Loveee youuuu." she sang.

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