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(Don't be a ghost reader)

Alora wanted to be able to drop the news of their daughter in Romes lap and go on about her business but the type of person she was wouldn't allow her to. Although she didn't have Rome to help her through one of the toughest times in her life she had her brother and bestfriend.

She could only imagine how he felt, hell she'd known for years and still got choked up when she thought of their daughter. It didn't matter how much time went by, a parent could never forget the pain of losing a child they carried for eight month. Alora used to complain all the time about
Heaven being in her rib but til this day she'd honestly give anything to have that feeling back.

Alora walked up the pathway toward the Knight Mausoleum where Heaven was laid to rest. The light was on indicating someone was had beat her there. She had a feeling Rome had made is way there after reviewing the box with Heaven contents.

"She looks like Megan." Rome said without taking his eyes from Heavens chamber. He didn't need to turn around to know Alora enter the place, the smell of her perfume beat her there.

"I know," she replied in a low tone.

She visited her as often as possible even when she lived back in Atlanta. But now that she was home she found herself visiting her atleast once a month. No matter how many times she walked through those door it just didn't get easier.

"You named her Heaven" Rome said as he ran his fingers over her name. "You always say "naming ya child after a place you'll never see is crazy." they shared a laughed at Aloras dark humor. "I wish I wasn't so fucked up back then that it hadn't cost me my first born first moments in this world."

Alora could hear the crack in voice meaning waterworks were sure to follow. She didn't know if she wanted to smack his ass and curse him out or console him and cry with him.

Alora didn't need to explain why he never knew about Heaven. He knew his action in the hospital when he learned of her miscarriage contribute to the decision of keeping her ongoing pregnancy a secret and honestly he couldn't blame her. Granted he was through his own personal issues Alora did not deserve how he treated her that day.

She watched him as he wiped face his face then turned to face her. She found it pointless because his blood shoot eyes were proof he had been crying. "How you?" he asked her.

"Huh?" she questioned. "W-what did you say?"

"How are you?"

"Rome, you just learned your only child passed away a week after birth and your worried about me ?" she questioned. She didn't understand where his head was. If she was him she'd be displaying a rollercoaster of emotions not concerned herself with the next persons feeling.

"Yes Alora because you carried her for 35 weeks, sat in labor for eleven hours before Heaven decided to enter the world then to have to say goodbye almost a month later. You document everyday you spent with her, you had a connection with her that I did so yes I'm asking how are you?" he repeated, stepping towards her then reached for her hands.

"Losing a child doesn't get easy. I may have acted an ass in the hospital that day but I have never felt a greater pain after that shit really settled in and I didn't even met the baby. Then to find out I have a daughter. I feel like like setting the world on fire but I only have myself to blame."

Alora couldn't help but break down in tears. It wasn't the situation that brought on the tears but the person standing in front of her. She had to ask herself who the hell was the person standing before her. Rome was new person; taking accountability fo his actions instead of blaming everyone else, putting his feelings to the side to focus on hers. He was becoming the man she knew he could be. He was making it so hard for her to angry at him.

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