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    "What you mean she took my grand baby back to Philly? Is it permanent? To visit? Whats going on ? Tell me something Monty" Ms

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"What you mean she took my grand baby back to Philly? Is it permanent? To visit? Whats going on ? Tell me something Monty" Ms.Laura, Monty mother yelled through the phone.

She called him the moment she got word of Aloras departure from Atlanta. She had been questioning Monty for the last ten minutes not letting him get a word in.

He dragged his hands down his face in frustration. He knew it was only a matter of time before his mom would come calling about Alora and his son leaving the city but he thought he had time to convince Alora to come back before then.

"Mom I don't know. I haven't talked to her in a couple days." he answered, finally able to a word in.

She frowned "So you haven't talked to your son in a couple days?"

He palmed his forehead, realizing he used the wrong chose of words. "I call his iPad to speak to him for a little that it. Alora won't speak to me." He corrected.

"Monty I'm not understanding why it's been a year since she called the engagement off and now she all of a sudden moves back home? A year later?... something just don't sound right to me."

Monty mother had a hard time believing the action of events that kept taking place between him and her once daughter in law. As a woman she knew something was off but as a mother she stuck by her son and the many lies he feed her.

When Alora got pregnant and Monty proposed she couldn't be more happy for the two. All was good between the two until a year ago when she called everything off and moved out.

Alora kept her and Monty issues between them not wanting to put his family in the middle of their relationship which allowed him to make up his version of what took place.

"We got into a fig- argument and the next thing I know she was telling me she was going back to Philly to be with her family." he paused. "You don't think I'm upset that I can't see my son everyday ?" He tried to sound as if he was crying, throwing a few sniffles for dramatic effects.

Mama Laura heart ached for him as she heard him cry over the phone and all the doubt she previously had was gone. "Oh my Monty I'm so sorry. I didn't stop to think about how this move had effected you. Alora should be a damn shame of herself."

"It's breaking my heart. I'm not used to this." Monty lied through his teeth.

The truth was Monty hadn't saw Amari every day since Alora moved out of the house they shared a year ago. After the split they had an agreement that Monty would get him three days out of the week which he wasn't consistent with. He got Amari when he wanted to or when his family asked about him. 

"If she don't get her ass back to Atlanta with my grandson by August I'll be on a flight to Philly myself. Aint nobody playing with these bitter baby mamas." She disconnected the line.

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