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After an hour of eager anticipation, the group finally geared up with life jackets, forming a line for their turn on the jet skis.

"Read the rules and regulations then you can come over to the water." the instructor told them, walking away.

"We know this shit already. We ready." Mook told him.

"Ariana & Nique get a partner. Y'all two suck on the skis," Dess laughed.

Safir pulled her in by her waist. "It's okay baby you can ride with me."

"Nique you wanna ride with me or ya man?" Alora smirked, teasing her cousin.

"My man," she stuck her tongue out at her.

Alora, Rome, Amir, Mook, and Dom mounted their jet skis, effortlessly gliding into the water. Safir and Trina, Vin and Nique, Dess and Shanti followed suit, each duo creating a symphony of roaring engines as they ventured into the vast expanse of the ocean.

Out on the water, the group embraced the freedom and exhilaration, maneuvering their jet skis with finesse. Laughter echoed as they zipped through waves, occasionally creating playful splashes. The sun kissed their faces, and the wind tousled their hair as they weaved through the sparkling blue water.

The group's joy was palpable as they rode in formation, enjoying the thrill of the open sea. The jet skis danced across the waves, leaving behind a trail of pure excitement and shared moments of bliss under the radiant sun. The instructors eventually blew the whistle, signaling the return to shore.

Mari stood eagerly ashore, fascinated by the watermobiles the group rode. "I wanna go!" he exclaimed, jumping up and down as Rome and Alora pulled ashore.

The instructor helped Alora off her jet ski, causing a splash effect when her feet touched the water. "Boy, what?"

"Can I ride with RoRo, please?" Mari begged, pointing to his life jacket. "I got life vet on!"

Alora, amused, picked him up and placed him in front of Rome. "He falls, I'm kicking your ass, Roman," she warned with a smirk causing him to laugh.

"Y'all going back out?" Mook asked, slowly moving toward the shore.

"Mari and Rome are; I'm done," Alora answered.

The girls eventually disembarked from the jet ski, while the boys headed back out on the water.

"Is that a bar?" Ariana inquired, eyeing a building on the outskirts of the beach. It wasn't crowded, and no music could be heard, so she couldn't discern its nature.

"Yes," the instructor confirmed. "Good drinks, even better food. Check it out."

"I love a good drink," Alora giggled. "I've got a taste for nachos," Nique added, rubbing her wet flat belly.

"Let's dry off, then check that place out," Ariana suggested.

The ladies nodded in agreement, making their way back to Mama K, who was soaking up the sun. They dried off; Alora and Shanti put on their sandals and loose cover-ups, while Nique, Ariana, and Trina opted for shorts and flip flops.

"Trina, we're checking out that bar by the jet ski, wanna come?" Alora asked. "Oh yeah, ma, you want something?"

"I'm down for that," Trina rose to her feet. "Crab cake and fries if they have it."

"Okay, we'll be back. Mari's with Rome."

"I figured that'd happen when he saw y'all on the water," Mama K chuckled.

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