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(Don't be a ghost reader)

A Few Days Later
Dr. Cruz Office
11:00 am

Rome enter the waiting area of Dr. Cruz, instead of checking in with the receptionist he walked right past her and towards Cruzs office. The few interactions he had with her, she rubbed him the wrong way. He didn't go through her for anything, he got K to make his appointment and he'd text Cruz when he was in the lobby.

She stood up to stop him. "Mhm Mr.Kni-It's fine." Dr.Cruz said coming out of her office.

"Hey Doc." Rome embraced her. "Hey Rome, you seem to be in a good mood... come in." she moved to the side, allowing him to walk past.

He shrugged, taking a seat on the couch. "Uh huh, I've had better days."

"Alright, let's jump right into it. I want to focus on Keisha again. From the few sessions we've had the conversation somehow tracks back to something she did. You may deny this but she's the cause and end too a lot of ya behaviors."

"No, I agree. I just don't know how to get past that though." he admitted.

"You stated growing up you tried talking to her but have you tried getting through to her as an adult?" she asked.

Parents often wrote their children feeling off because "they were just kids". Children were often treated as if they didn't know how they felt or communicate when in reality children were the best communicators.

In Cruz experience as a therapist she's had a better time getting through to children than adults. She always felt that once a child experienced a certain amount of trauma and pain that's when the communication issues begun.

"Nah, I don't even talk to the lady longer than five minutes when she around. I try to stare clear of her. Her presence irritates to."

Cruz glanced down at her notes. She had taken notes of every time he addressed his mother, she noticed he never addressed her as his mother only by Keisha and he would always correct her when she addressed Keisha as his mother.

"Have you ever addressed Keisha as your mother?"

"Probably when I was young but from middle school on forward I know for a fact I didn't. Mama Liz is the only mother I know." he answered. "Being address as mom or dad is a privilege that she doesn't deserve." Rome added meaning every word.

"I'm going to play devils advocate so dont hate me for what I'm about to say," she warned him.

Rome nodded, "Go on"

"Do you know what postpartum depression is?" she asked.

"Yes, it common among woman after the birth when the mother may suffer from a variety of symptoms like severe mood swings, difficulty bonding with your baby, inability to sleep, or sleeping too much. Theres a lot of symptoms surrounding postpartum in women." he answered.

Cruz was shocked at Romes ability to define what it most. She has had fathers with three and fours kids but didnt have the slightest clue about postpartum and the effect on women it had.

"Mhm yes," she nodded. "Have you ever thought made she suffered of that ?"

"No, I didn't even know what it was up until a few years ago. But even if thats the case why do the whole back and forth, one minute she here next she ain't. She had every resource at her disposal to help her if we being honest. Kiesha moved like ...move like she splitting her time between two lives." he finally said.

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