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(Don't be a ghost reader)

"Mommy, come on." Mari whined, pulling Alora towards the lazy river at Big Kahuna as she ran her mouth to Carter.

"Okaayyyy Mari. Be patient child." she told him.

"Go head and take his ass before his cry baby ass start crying." Carter teased. Mari responded by kicking him in the sheen causing Carter to double over in pain. "Cry baby." Mari teased.

Alora could help but laugh. "See I keep telling y'all stop bothering my son now look at ya ass."

It didn't matter how many times Alora told the guys stop messing with Mari they didn't listen. It was kinda like a rights of passage that all the kid's experience; the older cousins would bully the younger cousins. Even Alora went through it when she was younger but not as young as Mari and Leek.

"Ima fuck ya ass up." Carter hissed still holding the back of his leg.

"Fuck wrong with his ass." Malik asked walking towards them.

"Let's just say karate class is paying off." Alora laughed.

"Oh you kicking ass like that Mari?" Malik asked, spicing the situation.

"Yup! I kicking ass !" he responded proudly.

Alora quickly plucked him. "Amari Diamond! What I tell you about cursing? You are not grown!" she scold him followed by popping Malik upside the head. "I keep telling y'all stop cursing cus he repeats it."

"Mmcht nigga I'm grown. If I wanna curse Ima curse." Malik said as he rubbed the spot she hit him.

"Haha. You got in trouble." Carter teased Mari.

Mari responded by giving him the middle finger. Carter looked to Alora for his punishment. "What? As long he ain't say fuck you he good." she shrugged.

"Carter you really gotta grow up," Malik shook his head. "But where y'all bouta go? Leek tryna get on some rides."

"Lazy River!" an impatient Mari shouted.

"Bring him to the lazy river before this one gets on my nerves." she grabbed Mari hand, leading him to the lazy river.

The line wasn't long at all, she grabbed a donut from the pile then placed it in the water. She placed the around her then placed Mari on the top letting his legs dangle over the side. "Happy now?"

Mari smiled, nodding his head really fast. "Yes."

"Good," Alora replied as she pushed them along the lazy river. "Mommy?"

"Yes." she answered. He lent back until his head rested on her shoulder then looked over at her. "I sorry for saying bad word. No mad at me."

"I'm not mad son. You just can't use that language even though the grown up may." she tried to explain.

Alora knew Mari was at that age where he'd be repeating and copying the things he saw and heard which she couldn't fault him for. She could only teach him that certain things children shouldn't do or say and hope he listens.

"Okay I try." he replied.

Try? little nigga you like two talking bout try, she rolled her eyes to herself.

"Marriii," a voice yelled.

Both Alora and Mari eyes roamed the large space until they landed on Nique standing on the platform above them. "Grab a donut and get in." Alora yelled back.

"Come on Nique!" Mari encouraged. "I'm waiting for y'all." she replied then walked off.

Mari and Alora continued to float along the lazy river taking their time to get to the other side. Alora was enjoying it more than Amari even thought it was his idea to get on.

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