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(Don't be a ghost reader)

"Baby, you gotta move ya head side to side as you swim so you can take a breather as you swimming." Alora told him. "Start from the beginning."

Mari padded over to the other end of the pool. He held onto the side until Alora gave him the signal to go. "Go!"

Mari pushed off the wall, he begin to sidestroke across the pool while Alora walked not to far away from him watching his every move. On the outside she was calm but in the inside she was getting anxiety from watching him swim without a life jacket on.

Mari had been a swimmer since six months so he was a natural in the water. As a baby he'd just lay in his tub with his eyes closed as if he was relaxing. He would scream his little head off if he was taken out of the water before he was ready. Alora knew from that moment she had to get him into swimming. It started of with parents and child classes then by two he was swimming with assistant. Now at almost three he was learning to go from one end of three feet to the other.

Alora was proud of her son because most children his age couldn't do half the things he could. She prided herself on making sure he was educated in all aspects; educational, socially does and don't when out, how to express himself.

"Ouuuu that's right Papa!" Alora cheered him on. He was just inches away from hitting the other end. "You did it you did it." she shout the second he slapping the other end.

She picked him up and twirled him around. "I did it I did it." he hugged her.

"Yes, you did baby. I told you you could do it if you what ?"


She laughed. "Yes, practice !"

They stayed in the pool for a little while long. Alora was enjoying the time she was spending with her son. She felt like some weeks she barely saw him because he was either with Monty, or her mom or, her brothers. Mari would call whoever he wanted to go with and they'd come get him, no questions asked.

The support she had home was completely different from when she was in Atlanta. She was extremely appreciative because she remembered a few months ago there was no breaks just being a mom 24/7 unless Monty mother and sister got him which was rare. She didn't want to complain but she did miss it being just him and her sometimes.

Alora rinsed herself and Mari off before leaving out of the pool area and into the locker room. Alora dried him from them dressed him in a pair of short and t shirt. She gave him her phone so she could change into some dry clothes next.

"What you want to eat tonight?" she asked him as they walked out of the building towards the parking lot.

Alora scanned the parking lot as they walked towards the car. She instantly noticed an older model Nissan parked on the other side of the lot. It looked like the same car she saw earlier that day when she left Wild Ink. She picked Mari up and sped walked to the car wanting to get in the car as quickly as possible. She kept glancing over at the car, it had all around tint so she couldn't see inside.

"Mari, strap yourself up baby." she told him, once she placed him in his car seat. She shut the door then jogged around the driver side before she got in she removed the burner she kept in the secret compartment of her car and got in. She place it in the glove compartment in case she had to use. She wasted no time starting her car and pulling out of the parking spot as she hooked her phone up to her car.

As she drove down the rode she occasionally looked in her rear view mirror for the unknown car. She no longer saw it which calmed her nerves .

Maybe I'm just seeing shit.

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