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(Don't be a ghost reader)

Next Day
8:00 am

"Man, fuck this shit. Let's go!" KD removed his gun from its holster as he exited the car.

His patience was growing thin as he waited for an update on Alora. He didn't know what was going on, nor who went after her or why but he knew he was going to make an example out of someone today.

KD along side of Redz, Zahir and T walked towards a house Nick was was known to hang out in South Philly. Although he didn't know for sure if he was the culprit behind Alora attack it didn't matter much to him. Nick had already established war the moment he pulled that trigger on Safirs mother then resurfaced after all these years attempting to stir up drama drama in KDs life. This situation just gave him another reason to dead him.

T and Zahir kicked in the back door of the home catching everyone inside off guard. The few men that were inside the home scrambled to retrieve their guns but was too slow.

T let off shots at anyone moving, he was quick and precise. Every shot fired hit his attended target. Zahir shot one guy in the hand as he reached for his gun, Redz shot another as he raised his gun on T unknowingly. "Where the fuck is Nick?" KD shouted.

"Nigga you don't run shit over here. FUCK- ." KD shot the man before he finished his sentence. "Now whos next ?" he asked carelessly swinging his gun as he scanned the room, looking at the three men that were still alive.

The silence gave KD his answer. "So here's my problem; my daughter was targeted last-."

"We ain't have shit to do with that!" one of the guys shouted as he held his side attempting to put pressure on his wound.

"And why the fuck would we believe that? Nick said he coming for us right?" Redz looked in his direction.

"B-because we didn't." he replied. Zahir glanced over at KD who nodded at him; giving him the green light.

Zahir smirked evilly raising his gun on the man and firing three times, followed by applying pressure to the fresh wound. "Haaaa Fuck !" the man yelp in pain.

"You can either answer my brother here question or I can put a few more bullets in you. Choice is yours." he shrugged, secretly wishing the man choose option two.

The man looked over at a little boy who was standing across the room. They weren't saying anything but the man on the ground facial expression said it all. Redz took notice. "How about first one to spill the details lives or both y'all can die." he suggested.

KD took a few steps in the direction of the little boy who begin to step backwards with each step KD made towards him. "You know Redz, I actually like that idea." KD nodded. "10 seconds."

"PJ, don't say shit !" the guy that Zahir slowly tortured said.

"Man I ain't sign up for this shit. I just was tryna make some money," the little boy sucked his teeth.

"Nigga don't say sh-." Redz shot him. "He so negative. I don't like that ." he said to no one in particular before turning his attention to the boy. "Now you were saying."

Zahir frowned. "Heyy ! I wanted to do that."

"N-Nick didn't do a-anything as of tonight. Th-the p-plan is to w-wawait until a-after convention weekend to m-move ag-against yall." he stuttered. "B-but he specifically stated your daughter i-is off limits u-unless u-under extreme measures."

KD walked towards the little boy so more until he was just inches away, he had to be no more than sixteen. He remembered when he was that age in the streets tryna make a dollar. But the difference was KD was born for life he live while the little boy before him was probably just tryna survive the hand he was dealt. He didn't have any intentions on harming the boy because he lived by a code; Women and children are off limits.

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